Slide thefrittataout of thepanandsliceit with apizzacutter.
This cutter has a six-inchblade.
Hiswoodworkingshopisfullofpowertools,blades,bits, and cutters.
See also
bolt cutters
box cutter
cookie cutter
glass cutter
- She was using anelectrichedgecutter.
- You needpliersand awirecutter.
- I put apotatointo themachineandpresseddown on thearmof the cutter.
- Roll out theicingandcutastarortreeshapewith a cutter.
- Thecardiologistuses asmallcutter toremovetheabnormaltissue.
- Firefighters took 40minutestosawthrough themetalframeusing ahydrauliccutter.
Tools in general
- aid
- ambidextrous
- blade
- blaster
- contrivance
- device
- fan
- gadget
- grabber
- haft
- hardware
- power tool
- precision instrument
- ratchet
- spacer
- spreader
- stuffer
- toolkit
- utensil
- utility belt
aperson,especiallyaworker, whocutssomething:
Theexploitationofsugarcanecutters in Haiti is wellknown.
Heworkedat themeatplantfor 35yearsas a cutter.
See also
apersonwhosejobis tocutclothfor makingclothes:
Tosucceedin thisbusiness, you need a gooddressdesignerand a good cutter.
All of thestylistsin thissalonareexpertcutters.
- Thesolejobof the cutters was totrimthereedsto aregularlength, which wastediouswork.
- Herfatherwas adiamondcutter in Antwerp.
- Tree cutters went fromdoortodoorofferingtheirservices.
- She had ahighlyskilledjobas agarmentcutter.
Workers in general
- a man/woman of actionidiom
- anti-labour
- beaver
- drudge
- gang
- grafter
- labour
- machinist
- manpower
- night shift
- peon
- relay
- shift
- skeleton staff
- staff
- staffing
- team player
- the shop floor
- workhorse
- working party
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Cutting and stabbing
someone or something thatreducesatax, acost, etc.:
Thecandidatehighlightedhisrecordas ataxcutter.
Many of thesechangesarepotentialcostcutters.
- Farfrom beingjobcutters, the newmanagementintendtoincreasestafflevels.
Price decreases
- bargain
- bear market
- bearish
- closeout
- concessional
- couponer
- couponing
- cratering
- deflate
- deflation
- depreciate
- depress
- drop off
- freeze
- marksomethingdown
- overdiscount
- post-devaluation
- projected value
- promo code
- spiral
afast,lightboat, used forexampleas apatrolboat(=checkinganareaforcrimeordanger)or forcarryingsmallloads:
When theshipreachedthe Americancoastit wasgreetedby a UScoastguardcutter.
A littlewhitecutter withredsailswas coming in towards them.
- Thelargershipscarrycutters that go out and dorescues.
- After heretires, he and hiswifeplanto gosailhis cutter off the Devoncoast.
Passenger, cargo & military ships
- banana boat
- car ferry
- clipper
- container ship
- Corvette
- flagship
- hydrofoil
- icebreaker
- liner
- oil tanker
- paddle steamer
- side-wheeler
- slaver
- steamboat
- steamer
- submersible
- supertanker
- transport ship
- troopship
- U-boat
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Boats & sailing craft
incricket, athrowin which theballsuddenlychangesdirectionafter ithitstheground:
He was agreatslowwicketbowler,famousforbowlingcutters.
See also
leg cutter
off cutter
inbaseball, a hardthrowin which theballmovesslightlyas itreachesthebatter(= theplayerwhotriestohittheball):
His cutter hasbecomeadevastatingweapon.
Thehitterswungandmissedat a cutter.
cut fastball
- 12th man
- ash
- bailsphrase
- ball-tampering
- batting average
- bowlsomeoneout
- bowling
- cricketing
- cut
- declaration
- delivery
- fall
- glance
- hook
- lbw
- leg before wicketidiom
- pace bowler
- six
- spin bowlerphrase
- test match
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Baseball & rounders