uk/ˈsaɪ.kæd/us/ˈsaɪ.kæd/aplantthatgrowsinhotregions,similarto apalm(= atreethat has asingletrunkwith amassoflongpointedleavesat thetop)withlargecones(= hard,dry,ovalfruits), that was verycommonin theTriassicandJurassiceras(= theperiodoftimebetween around 245 and 146 millionyearsago):
Cycads wereoncethe mostsuccessfulplanton theplanetand wereeatenbydinosaurs.
Some cycadspeciesoriginatedup to 250 millionyearsago.
- Cycads andpalmsare oftenmistakenfor one another, but cycads are gymnosperms andbearcones, whilepalmsare angiosperms, whichflowerandbearfruit.
- Theparkhas more than 1,100speciesoforchids,acacias, bamboos,figs,palms, and cycads.
- There are about 300speciesof cycad, and most arethreatenedwithextinction.
Types of plant
- amaranth
- Andromeda
- annual
- arborescent
- beanstalk
- gymnosperm
- hardiness
- hardy
- herb
- herbaceous
- mugwort
- mustard
- non-hardy
- non-legume
- non-leguminous
- succulent
- sundew
- tenderness
- tomatillo
- trailing