UKuk/ˈmʌɡ.ə/us/ˈmʌɡ.ə/abbreviationformulti-usegamesarea: anareaused forplayingdifferentsports, usually with afencearound it and often at aschool:
(尤指中小学校园内四周筑有围栏的)综合性运动场地(multi-use games area 的缩写)Theyplayfootballin the MUGA everylunchtime.他们每天午餐时间都在综合运动场踢足球。
LocalcouncilsencourageexercisebyplacingMUGAs inareaswhereyoungpeoplelike tomeetup.地方议会通过在年轻人喜欢聚集的地方修建综合性运动场来鼓励体育运动。
- ThekidsdooutdoorPE in the MUGA.
- Often MUGAs are used asmeetingplaceswhereyoungpeopleeitherconnectsociallyorplayfriendlymatchesagainst each other.
- SportEnglandidentifiedthe 33 mostpopularsportsin the UK, most of which can beplayedin a MUGA.
Surfaces on which sports take place
- 18-yard box
- AstroTurf
- bound
- bowling green
- canvas
- climbing wall
- court
- goal line
- golf course
- ground staff
- playability
- playable
- playing field
- pump track
- recreation center
- rink
- sideline
- sin bin
- six-yard box
- upright