mulligan stew
USuk/ˌmʌl.ɪ.ɡən ˈstjuː/us/ˌmʌl.ɪ.ɡən ˈstuː/(alsomulligan)astewmade from whatevermeatandvegetablesareavailable,cookedslowlytogether:
This mulliganstewuseschickenas abasewithpotatoes,carrots, andparsnips.
I wasservedwith asteamingplateof mulligan, apopulardishwith themountainmen.
See also
- Theyservemore than 500gallonsoffreemulligansteweveryweek.
- Easy andclassic, mulliganstewis made of all the things you haveleftoverinyourkitchen.
- Imagine thecomfortof anopenfire, thesmellof mulliganheatingin abucketontop.
Savoury dishes
- Alfredo
- American chop suey
- arancini
- arroz con pollo
- baba ghanoush
- dauphinois
- Denver omelet
- dhal
- dhansak
- dirty rice
- kimchi
- knish
- kofta
- korma
- kraut
- refried beans
- rice
- rice and peasidiom
- rillettes
- risotto