uk/ˈdæm.zəl.flaɪ/us/ˈdæm.zəl.flaɪ/aninsectwith along,thinbodyand twopairsoftransparentwingsthat are usuallyfoldedagainstitsbodywhen it is notflying:
豆娘(一种昆虫)Damselflies aresimilartodragonflies, butsmallerandthinner.豆娘和蜻蜓很相似,但是小一些、瘦一些。
Butterflies, damselflies anddragonfliesfilltheair.蝴蝶、豆娘和蜻蜓在空中飞舞。

Amith Nag Photography/Moment/GettyImages
- The damselfly can often beseensettlingontreesandbushesliningthebanksoffast,clearstreams.
- With most damselflies, themaleandfemaledifferintheircolouring.
- The damselfly willholditswingstogether overitsback, while thedragonflyspreadsitswingsoutflat, away from thebody.
Insect names
- anopheles
- ant
- aphid
- beastie
- bedbug
- daddy longlegs
- deathwatch beetle
- dragonfly
- dust mite
- earwig
- insect
- jigger
- ladybird
- lice
- lightning bug
- sow bug
- spider mite
- stick insect
- swallowtail
- termite