involvingor using many differentwaysto make aproduct,information, etc.available:
(产品)通过多渠道销售的;(信息)通过多渠道提供的Multichannelretailingrefers tocompaniesthatsellonline, instores, and throughcatalogues.多渠道零售是指通过网络、商店和目录销售等多种渠道销售产品的公司。
- Manyinternetbusinessesare infactmulti-channelretailers.
- specialtybusinessesthatfocuson multichanneldistribution
- Multichannelshoppersgo intostorestotouchproducts, goonlinetoresearchprices,subscribetoe-mailliststhatsendoutcoupons,skimthroughcatalogsand getstores'promotionalmessageson cellphones.
Buying & selling - general words
- all-you-can-eat
- anti-consumer
- anti-dumping
- back order
- barter
- deal insomething
- dealership
- desk research
- ebay
- first refusal
- hammer
- handle
- procurement
- rewards card
- sanctions-busting
- sealed-bid
- self-service
- shelf
- stretch
- treat
involvingseveral differentchannelsthat can be used tosendout orreceivesignals:
(信号收发)多频道的Securitystaffuse multichanneldigitalradiosthatworkintunnels.安保人员使用的是可以在隧道内收发信号的多通道数字无线电设备。
- Parsons was a U. S.Armymultichannelradiooperatorat Fort Hood, Texas.
- They use theJointTactical Radio System, whichprovidesmultichannelvoice,data,imageryandvideocommunications.
- Regularstereosjust can'tmatchthedepthanddefinitionof this high-quality multichannelstandard.
Broadcasting: radio
- am
- antenna
- anti-jamming
- anti-radar
- autotune
- bandwidth
- beacon
- CB
- long wave
- LW
- medium wave
- multi-wavelength
- MW
- receiver
- short wave
- shout-out
- tranny
- transponder
- tuner
involvingor having many differenttelevisionstations:
(电视)多频道的Theseconsumersare morelikelyto have multichanneltelevisionnot because theywatchmoretelevision, but because theywantmorechoice.这些消费者更愿意拥有多频道电视,不是因为他们更爱看电视,而是因为他们希望有更多的选择。
- TVstationsaretryingto come up with abusinessmodelof how tolivein a multichanneluniverse.
- Television - in anagewhen one in three have someformof multichannel TV - is nolongeras "special" as itoncewas.
Broadcasting: television
- aerial
- autotune
- best boy
- boob tube
- breakfast television
- broadcast
- footage
- gaffer
- ghost image
- goggle-box
- HD
- plasma screen
- receiver
- reveal
- shopping channel
- shout-out
- smart TV
- square-eyed
- sweep
- the small screen