uk/ˌdiːˈklæs.ɪ.faɪd/us/ˌdiːˈklæs.ə.faɪd/officiallystatedto nolongerbesecret:
Ilookedthrough the declassifiedfilesheldby the Washington-basedNationalSecurityArchive.我翻阅了设在华盛顿的国家安全档案馆所持有的解密文件。
- Theycitedtestimonyfrom a declassifiedCanadianintelligencereport.
- They werethwartedinpartby a USintelligencecampaign, the declassifiedfilesreveal.
- Thebookwas written by aprofessionalhistorianwho has pored overvolumesofrecentlydeclassifiedinformation.
- a declassifiedaccountof thedevelopmentof thehydrogenbomb
Revealing secrets & becoming known
- (the) word is/gets outidiom
- anti-secrecy
- backchannel
- bare
- blowsomeone'scoveridiom
- blow/take the lid offsomethingidiom
- break
- declassify
- hold
- leakage
- Queen's evidence
- rat onsomeone/something
- reintroduce
- revealingly
- revelatory
- shed
- state's evidence
- tip
- transpire
- unload