toremovetheclaws(=sharpcurvednails)of acator otheranimal:
剪去猫或其他动物的尖指甲My cat'spreviousownerhad herneuteredand declawed.我的猫的前主人给她做了绝育手术并剪去指甲。
I don'twantto declaw so Iwonderif anyone cantellme goodalternativewaystostopacatrippingup thefurniture.我不想剪去猫的尖指甲,所以想知道有没有人能告诉我有什么其他办法防止猫把家具扯坏。
to make someone or something lessdangerousorpowerful:
剪掉爪子;去除锋芒Isuspectthat theintentionof this is topermanentlydeclaw hiscritics.我怀疑这样做的目的是永久地消除他的批评者的声音。
The author'sworkhas been declawed in most TV adaptations.该作者的作品在大多数电视改编作品中都被去除了锋芒。
- Their 4-month-oldcatwasspayedand declawed.
- We havedecidednot to declawournewkitten.
- If youobserveacat, it usesitsclawsfor everything and Ibelieveit really isinhumaneto declaw.
- Heapprovedlegislationmaking it acrimeto declawexoticcatsornativewildcats.
- Bobo, a 600-lb. declawedtiger,escapedfrom acompoundin Florida.
Zoology: veterinary medicine
- altered
- animal doctor
- anti-rabies
- castrate
- castrated
- castration
- cattery
- collar
- distemper
- foam
- lame
- leptospirosis
- mange
- nosema
- putsomethingto sleepidiom
- putsomething/someonedown
- rescue centre
- scour
- veterinary
- veterinary surgeon
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Felines (cats)
Becoming and making less strong