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declineverb(GO DOWN)B2[I]tograduallybecomeless,worse, orlower: (逐渐)减少,衰落,降低 Hisinterestin theprojectdeclined after hiswifedied.妻子死后,他对该项目的兴趣逐渐淡薄了。 The party'spopularityhas declined in theopinionpolls.民意测验表明该党的支持率已经下滑。 formalThelanddeclinessharplyaway from thehouse.地势从房屋那边开始大幅度向下倾斜。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto become smaller or less - decreaseThe tests show that the tumour has decreased in size since we started treatment.
- lessenA healthy diet lessens your risk for cardiovascular disease.
- lowerThey've just lowered the age at which you can join.
- reduceThey've just reduced the price.
- bring downThey are bringing down their prices.
- dropStock prices dropped today after the company's announcement.
See more results » - Thelatestopinionpollshowsthat the president'spopularityhas declined.
- Profits have declined as aresultof therecentdropinsales.
- Thelevelsoftradeunionandpoliticalactivismin thiscountryhavegreatlydeclined in the past 15years.
- Herpopularityhas declined since hertriumphalreturnfromexiletwoyearsago.
- Theireconomyhasexpandedenormously, while ours, by/incontrast, has declined.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesDeteriorating and making worse - add
- admin
- aggravate
- backslide
- be (all) downhillidiom
- debase
- deteriorate
- deterioration
- devaluation
- devalue
- disintegrate
- dog
- make matters worseidiom
- one step forward, two steps backidiom
- regress
- regression
- regressive
- wear thinidiom
- worse
- worsen
See more results » declineverb(REFUSE)B2[IorT]formaltorefuse: 拒绝,谢绝 Iinvitedhim to themeetingbut he declined.我邀请他参加会议,但他谢绝了。 He declined myoffer.他拒绝了我的提议。 [+ to infinitive]They declinedtotellme how they hadobtainedmyaddress.他们拒绝透露是如何得到我的地址的。 - When she wasaskedif she had anyambitiontobecomeprimeminister, sherespectfullydeclined toanswerthequestion.
- Aspokespersondeclined tospeculateon thecauseof thetraincrash.
- Theofficialdeclined tocommenton thematter.
- Ourapplicationfor aloanwas declined by thebank.
- Hisrequestfor earlyretirementwas declined by hisemployers.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesRefusing & rejecting - abnegate
- abnegation
- bar
- batsomething/someoneaway
- blow(something)out
- brush
- disown
- jettison
- laugh
- miss a chance/opportunityidiom
- punt onsomething
- quit
- quit onsomeone
- react
- react againstsomething
- rebuff
- repudiate
- resistant
- spurn
- turnyournose upidiom
See more results » declineverb(GRAMMAR)[IorT]languagespecializedIf anoun,pronoun, oradjectivedeclines, it has differentformsto show if it is thesubjectorobject, etc. of averbor if it issingularorplural, etc. If you decline such a word, youlistitsvariousforms: (根据名词,代词或形容词在句子中的作用)变格;(使)发生词形变化 InLatinwelearnedhow to declinenouns.学习拉丁语要了解名词的变格。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesLinguistics: grammatical terms - ablative
- apposition
- appositive
- appositively
- attributively
- concord
- demonstrative
- feminine
- intensifier
- nominal
- nominative
- predicatively
- premodifier
- quantifier
- regularity
- singular
- stative
- syntactic
- syntax
- uncountable
See more results » B2when somethingbecomesless inamount,importance,quality, orstrength: 衰落;衰弱,衰退 industrialdecline工业的衰落 Homecookingseemsto beon the/indecline(= not so manypeopleare doing it).自己在家做饭的人似乎越来越少了。 a declineinthenumberofunemployed失业人数的下降 Sheseemedto berecoveringand then shewent intoa decline.她的身体似乎开始恢复了,但后来却又变得越来越虚弱。 Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesthe fact of getting smaller or becoming less - decreaseThere has been a steady decrease in the number of visitors.
- fallA fall in the price of petrol is unlikely.
- fall-offThere's been a sharp fall-off in demand for the product since the company's scandal broke.
- falling-offThere has been a slight falling-off in public sector employment growth.
- riseThere has been a sharp rise in home sales this month.
See more results » - Thecountryhas been in a verypooreconomicstateeversince the decline ofitstwomajorindustries.
- Mygrandmother, asusual,lamentedthe decline inmoralstandardsin today'ssociety.
- The TVserieswill beaxedowingto a decline inpopularity.
- Orders for newshipsarerising, after severalyearsofsteadydecline.
- The newmanagerhopedtoreversethe decline in the company'sfortunes.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBecoming and making less strong - abate
- abatement
- adulterate
- adulterated
- adulteration
- emasculation
- enervate
- enervating
- enfeeble
- enfeebled
- fade
- hedge
- melt
- relieve
- sink
- totter
- tottering
- turn to jellyidiom
- wane
- waste away
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Becoming and making smaller or less (Definition ofdeclinefrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)decline| American Dictionarydeclineverb(GO DOWN)[I]to go down inamountorquality;lessenorweaken: Hisinterestin theprojectdeclined after hiswifedied. Herhealthdeclinedquickly. declineverb(REFUSE)[T]She declinedtheirjoboffer. declinenoun[C/U](GOING DOWN)achangeto aloweramount; theprocessofbecomingless inqualityorstrength: [Cusually sing]Unemploymentincreasedthismonthafter amodestdecline. [U]Civilization is in decline. (Definition ofdeclinefrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)decline| Business Englishtobecomeless,worse, orlowerinvalue: Milkproductioncoulddecline by15% or more in the latesummermonths. decliningprices/profits/sales/interestrates Even thoughinterestratescould declinefurther, they are now neartheirlowestpoint. declinesharply/rapidly/dramatically declinegradually/steadily/slowly Amongeconomists, thewidespreadviewis that thedollarwillkeepdeclining. to make lessprofit, orproduceless: a declining economy/industry/marketTheplanwillreduceprofitsfor the decliningcommercialfishingindustry. areductionin thevalueoramountof something, forexampleacurrencyorsales: Ifsustained, the yen's 12.5%decline againstthedollarthismonthmaydampinflationacrosstheregion. Aquarterofmanufacturersreportedadecline inproduction. Thehousingindustryexperiencedadecline insales. arapid/sharp/steep/markeddecline aslight/slow/gradualdecline asituationin which acompany,country, orfinancialmarketgraduallybecomeslessvaluable, makes lessprofit, orproducesless: Furthereconomicdecline mightprovokespontaneouspopularprotest. Little was being done toreversethe declinein the town'stouristeconomy. Theindustryhas beenin declinefordecades. (Definition ofdeclinefrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofdeclinedecline Declinein soil organic carbon and total nitrogen in relation to tillage, stubble management and rotation.From theCambridge English Corpus The sources do not each contain a distinct stage in an organic process of growth, development, anddecline.From theCambridge English Corpus This represents adeclineof 17.6 percentage points.From theCambridge English Corpus In terms of recreation, culture, education, and even rural industries, the period was characterised as much by development and change as by stagnation anddecline.From theCambridge English Corpus Technical regulation and enforcement may have actually declined in effectiveness until recent reforms were implemented.From theCambridge English Corpus Itsdeclinewould give a much-needed boost to output and to technical progress.From theCambridge English Corpus Thedeclinein residence with children was most rapid during the period from 1940 to 1980, when more than half the total change took place.From theCambridge English Corpus The relationship between age and depressive symptoms in late life : the importance of declining health and increasing disability.From theCambridge English Corpus Then, the number of new cases declined quickly.From theCambridge English Corpus In many cases, these measures declined substantially with relatively small increases in genetic distance.From theCambridge English Corpus Yet, over time, these facilitating effects declined substantially.From theCambridge English Corpus At the same time, the two major parties suffered a devastatingdeclinein parliamentary strength.From theCambridge English Corpus Thedeclineof this old economy is only part of the story.From theCambridge English Corpus Repeated failures of this nature may ultimately result in decay of the irrigation system and subsequentdeclineof the local economy.From theCambridge English Corpus It is unlikely that this heralds adeclinein the total fertility of these cohorts.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. CollocationswithdeclinedeclineThese are words often used in combination withdecline. Click on a collocation to see more examples of it. accelerating decline Perhaps the more likely explanation is an accelerating decline in the marginal value of additional survival time (independent of pure time preference). From theCambridge English Corpus age-related decline An age-related decline in interleukin-10 may contribute to the increased expression of interleukin-6 in brain of aged mice. From theCambridge English Corpus apparent decline There is no apparent decline in these differences at present. From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/decline## |