uk/ˌdiːˈklʌt.ə.rɪŋ/us/ˌdiːˈklʌt̬.ɚ.ɪŋ/theactivityofremovingthings you do not need from aplace, inorderto make it morepleasantand moreuseful:
清理,清除(不再需要的物品)I did a lot of decluttering,tidyingandcleaningin thehouseandgarden.我在室内和花园里都做了大量的清理、整理和清洁工作。
Everyonetalksabout decluttering, butpeoplehave abigproblemwithlettingthings go.每个人都把“断舍离”挂在嘴上,但其实真要丢弃什么东西又觉得很难。
- Presentingyourhomeforsaledoesn'tmeanhaving tospenda lot. It couldincludedecluttering, repainting inneutralcoloursandtidyingthegarden.
- We need to do someseriousdecluttering beforeourbabyarrivesin a fewmonths!
- For me thistimeofyearhas always been thetimefororganizing, decluttering and ridding yourself of all thatexcessstuffyou just don’t need.
- Shetalksabout decluttering, about theimportanceof notallowingpossessions tocontrolyou.
Cleaning & tidying places & things
- adjust
- airing
- bed
- clean(someone/something)up
- cleansomethingout
- freshen
- freshen(someone/something)up
- going-over
- Hoover
- hooversomethingup
- housekeeping
- muck
- sandblast
- smarten(someone/something)up
- spiffsomeone/somethingup
- spit and polishidiom
- spring-clean
- spruce
- tidy
- valet
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Removing and getting rid of things