thepartof acarthatcontainssome of thecontrolsused fordrivingand thedevicesformeasuringspeedanddistance
KonstantinGushcha/iStock Editorial/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
The interior of vehicles
- back seat
- brake
- brake pedal
- defogger
- demister
- dickey
- dimmer switch
- dip switch
- footbrake
- gas pedal
- horn
- inertia reel
- luggage rack
- parking brake
- safety belt
- speedometer
- steering wheel
- stick shift
- tachograph
- trim
partof adevice, acomputerprogram, etc. thatshowsinformationandstatistics(=numbers)about how thedevice,program, etc. isworking, which you can use tocontrolit:
Theapphas a new dashboard tomonitoryour"digitalwellbeing" andlimityourappusage.
Learners canchecktheirprogressandtailortheircoursesusing theonlinedashboard.
- Thisinformationissharedwith thepatientand alsopresentedin a dashboard to adoctorwhowantstokeepaneyeon howtheirpatientis doing.
- We willpublishadigitaldashboardhighlightingtheresultsandvalueof thesystem.
- Thehealthapptracksyouractivityandexerciseandprovidesafastdashboard for you tocheckin onthroughouttheday.
Information and messages
- advertisement
- aide-mémoire
- ammunition
- basics
- fascia
- info
- infodemic
- infodump
- infographic
- information
- memorandum
- poop
- postscript
- push notification
- radiogram
- readout
- relabel
- shingle
- the bare bones
- the real deal