having orinvolvingseverallinesoftext:
Answers areenteredinto a multi-linetextbox.
You can alsoleavemultilinemessages.
- Thisenablesyou tocreatealargermulti-linetextbox.
- Longcolumnheadingsmust beabbreviatedor made multi-line.
Pieces of writing
- acrostic
- annotation
- biographic
- blog post
- Chyron
- creative writing
- cutting
- fair
- inscription
- lament
- microblog
- mistranscription
- palimpsest
- para
- personal statement
- postscript
- preamble
- scribble
- script
- self-portrait
(of abusiness)sellingseveral differentproductsorservices:
a multi-linebusiness
- Multi-lineinsurancecompaniescarrylifeand non-lifepolicies.
- Thegrouphas a well-establishedbusinesspositionas aglobal, multi-lineproviderof reinsurance coverages.
- A multilinecompanyshouldseeksynergiesacrossunrelatedbusinessunits.
Products & producers
- anti-dumping
- badging
- begetter
- big pharma
- big tobacco
- creator
- deliverable
- dry goods
- end product
- export
- fabricator
- generator
- maker
- marque
- notion
- output
- overstock
- producer
- proprietary
- purchase
internet & telecomsspecialized
having severalphonelines(=connections):
Theofficehas a multi-linetelephonesystem.
- Thecompanywas amanufacturerof multi-linephonesystems.
- Thescreenprovidesmulti-lineswitchboardstatusinformation.
Communications - general words
- anti-satellite
- app
- autodial
- autodialler
- cable
- caller ID
- cybernetics
- fibre optics
- hack
- noise
- non-computer
- non-network
- optical fibre
- patch
- patchsomeonethrough
- pick
- picksomeone/somethingup
- satellite
- silent
- Zoombombing
A multilinecropis amixtureof differentgenetictypesof the samecropthat isbetteratpreventingdisease:
Sowing multiline cultivars mightproducemoreresilientandstablecropyields.
- Intra-cultivarvariabilityfordiseaseresistancegenesin multi-line cultivars isrecommendedas astrategyforreducingdisease.
- Mixing differentgeneticforms, or multiline cultivars, of the samecropspeciesmight be analternativetoplantspeciesdiversification.
- Genotypically, thebarleyseedsrepresenta multiline landrace.
Crop plants & economic plants
- beet
- black mustard
- brassica
- canola
- cash crop
- coffee
- field corn
- flax
- flaxseed
- hemp
- oilseed rape
- rabi
- rape
- rapeseed
- safflower
- sisal
- sugar cane
- sweetcorn
- wheatgrass
- white mustard
biologyspecialized(alsomultiline)uk/ˌmʌl.tiˈlaɪn/us/ˌmʌl.tiˈlaɪn//ˌmʌl.taɪˈlaɪn/atypeofcropthat is amixtureof differentgenetictypesof the samecropand that isbetteratpreventingdisease:
Thepositiveeffecton thecontrolofdiseaseshas beenshownwith the use of multilines.
- Multilines ofspringbarley,designedtocontrolpowderymildew, are nowmarketed.
- Different Rgenescan beintroducedinto an isogenicbackgroundand thecropis thendeployedas aseriesof multilines.
- There is a need toevaluatemulti-lines for abetterunderstandingof therelationshipbetweengeneticheterogeneityandstability.
Crop plants & economic plants
- beet
- black mustard
- brassica
- canola
- cash crop
- coffee
- field corn
- flax
- flaxseed
- hemp
- oilseed rape
- rabi
- rape
- rapeseed
- safflower
- sisal
- sugar cane
- sweetcorn
- wheatgrass
- white mustard