tobecomegraduallydamaged,worse, or less; tocausesomething to do this:
腐蚀;(使)衰败,(使)衰弱Sugar makesyourteethdecay.糖能引起蛀牙。
Theroleof theextendedfamilyhas been decaying for sometime.大家庭的作用开始减弱已经有一段时间了。
Pollution has decayed thesurfaceof thestoneworkon thefrontof thecathedral.大教堂前部的石刻表面已经因为污染受到了侵蚀。
thesmellof decayingmeat腐肉气味
If aradioactivesubstancedecays, itchangesto a differentform,producingradiation:
(放射性物质)衰变Radioactiveuraniumdecaysintostableleadat aknownrate.放射性铀以已知的速率衰变为稳定的铅。
As the actinium-225 decays, it gives offshort-lived,highlyenergizedalphaparticles.随着锕-225的衰变,它会释放出寿命短、能量高的α粒子。
- Floating in thedirtyriverweredeadfish, alreadystartingto decay.
- Thebacterialiveonfoodparticlesandproduceacidthat decays theenamelonyourteeth.
- Thefleshon adeadbodydecays veryrapidly.
- It'ssadtowatchabeautifulrosewitherand decay in such ashorttime.
- Plants andanimalsdecay into thesoil,replenishingthemineralsandnutrients.
Decaying and staying fresh
- best-before date
- biodegradable
- biodegrade
- compost
- decompose
- decomposition
- go off
- nonperishable
- nutrient cycling
- out of date
- perish
- perishable
- pull date
- rack
- seed
- sell-by date
- shrivel
- shrivelled
- spoil
- spoilage
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Deteriorating and making worse
Physical & chemical processes
Physics: radiation & radioactivity
theprocessof decaying:
Thisindustryhas beenindecay for sometime.这个行业早就开始衰退了。
theprocessby which aradioactivesubstancechangesto a differentform,producingradiation:
(放射性物质的)衰变Radon isemittedin thenaturaldecay ofradioactivematerialsinrockandsoil.氡是岩石和土壤中的放射性物质在自然衰变的过程中释放出来的。
the decayrateof beryllium-7铍-7的衰变率
- Manychildrencome to us withseveredentaldecay.
- Unemployment andinnercitydecay areinseparableissueswhich must betackledtogether.
- Sugar is amajorcauseoftoothdecay.
- Themansionhad anatmosphereofgenteeleleganceand decay.
- Areas of the mostseriousurbandecay are toreceivefundsfor newbuildingandredevelopmentschemes.
Decaying and staying fresh
- best-before date
- biodegradable
- biodegrade
- compost
- decompose
- decomposition
- go off
- nonperishable
- nutrient cycling
- out of date
- perish
- perishable
- pull date
- rack
- seed
- sell-by date
- shrivel
- shrivelled
- spoil
- spoilage
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Physical & chemical processes
Physics: radiation & radioactivity