uk/ˌdiː.sel.əˈreɪ.ʃən/us/ˌdiː.sel.əˈreɪ.ʃən/reductionin thespeedat which something ismoving, or anexampleof this:
Calculate the deceleration of thetruck.
Thisinjuryoftenoccursduringroutineathleticmanoeuvressuch aslandingsfromjumps, or decelerations fromsprints.
reductionin thespeedat which somethinghappensor is done, or anexampleof this:
It was thesharpestdeceleration inimportgrowthinalmosttwodecades.
On themonitorthey wereseeingconcerningheartratedecelerations.
- Whenhittingafence, it is thesuddendeceleration thatmatters.
- Concussion can becausedbyaccelerationor decelerationforces, or by adirectblow.
- Data lastweekshoweda deceleration in thepaceofgrowth.
- Myviewonearningsis that we are going toseea deceleration.
Increasing and decreasing speed of motion
- accelerant
- accelerate
- accelerating
- acceleration
- catch
- catch(someone)up
- dampener
- downshift
- foot
- gas
- gun
- quicken
- retard
- retardation
- self-accelerating
- slacken
- slow
- throttle(something)back/down
- upshift
- upshifting