aperiodof 24hours,especiallyfrom twelve o'clock onenightto twelve o'clock the nextnight:
一天,一日Januaryhas 31 days.一月份有31天。
the days of theweek一周的7天
It took usalmosta day to get here.我们花了几乎一天的时间才到这儿。
He was lastseenalivefive daysago.人们最后一次见到他是在5天以前,那时他还活着。
They haven't beenseenfordays(= for several days).他们好些日子没露面了。
I'll beseeingPatin a fewdays/in a fewdays'time.过几天我会见到帕特。
How'syourday been?(= Have youenjoyedtoday?)你今天过得好吗?
Have aniceday!祝你今天过得愉快!
I must get somesleep- I've gotabigday(= animportantday)tomorrow.我得睡觉了——我明天有很重要的事。
used to refer to theperiodin 24hourswhen it isnaturallylight:
Theseanimalssleepduring the day andhuntatnight.这些动物昼伏夜出。
thetimethat you usuallyspendatworkor atschool:
Iworka seven-hour day.我每天工作7小时。
We're having toworka six-dayweektocopewithdemand.为了满足需求,我们将不得不每周工作6天。
day off
a day when you do not have toworkor do something that younormallydo:
休息日I won't be in onThursday- it's my day off.我周四不在——那天我休息。
the other day
a few days ago:
前几天,几天前Didn't Iseeyou in thepostofficethe other day?前几天我不是还在邮局见过你吗?
these days
used totalkabout thepresenttime, incomparisonwith the past:
现在,如今Vegetarianism is verypopularthese days.现在素食很流行。
in those days
in the past:
过去,从前In those dayspeopleused to write a lot moreletters.过去人们写信要多得多。
any day now
verysoon,especiallywithin the next few days:
很快,过不了多久;(尤指)就这几天The baby'sdueany day now.就这几天婴儿就要出生了。
by day
when it isnaturallylight:
白天的时候,白天Iprefertravellingby day.我喜欢白天旅行。
day after day
repeatedly, every day:
日复一日,每天The sameproblemskeepcoming up day after day.同样的问题每天都要出现。
day and night
all thetime:
日夜,一直You canhearthetrafficfromyourroomday andnight.无论白天晚上你在房间里都会听到车辆的嘈杂声。
day by day
every day, or more and more as each daypasses:
每天,天天;日益,越来越Day by day hebecameweaker.他的身体日渐虚弱。
(from) day to day
If somethingchanges(from) day to day, itchangesoften:
每天;时常Thesymptomsof thediseasechangefrom day to day.这种疾病的症状每天都会发生变化。
from one day to the next
before each dayhappens:
一天又一天(表示不知道未来会怎样),过一天算一天I neverknowwhat I’ll be doing from one day to the next.我从来不知道第二天会是什么样。
the days
时期;时代How didpeoplecommunicatein the days beforeemail?没有电子邮件的时候人们是怎样交流的?
to this day
up to andincludingthepresentmoment:
到现在,直到今天To this day nobodyknowswhathappenedto him.到现在也没人知道他到底出了什么事。
- I always like toleavemydeskclearat the end of the day.
- We went to Edinburgh and back again all in one day.
- We'reopenevery day exceptSunday.
- She had five days offworkduetoillness.
- Thesoldiersmarched90milesin three days.
Days & times of day
- afternoon
- afternoons
- am
- arvo
- at the crack of dawnidiom
- high noon
- hour
- in broad daylightidiom
- in the dead of night/winteridiom
- last orders
- night
- nocturnally
- noon
- noontime
- o'clock
- office hours
- the witching hour
- twilit
- workday
- working day
Nowadays,these daysortoday?
We can use nowadays, these days or today as adverbs meaning ‘at the present time, in comparison with the past’:…Idioms
all in a day's work
the best/happiest days ofyourlife
day in day out
someone's/something'sdays are numbered
have hadits/yourday
haveyourday in court
in all my (born) days
in my day
in this day and age
not besomeone'sday
the old days
one of these days
one of those days
one/some day
take it one day at a time/take each day as it comes
that'll be the day
those were the days
to the day