uk/ˈmɪs.tər.i/us/ˈmɪs.tɚ.i/mysterynoun(STRANGE/UNKNOWN THING)
somethingstrangeor notknownthat has notyetbeenexplainedorunderstood:
神秘的事物,难以理解的事物,谜How themassivestoneswerebroughthere from hundreds ofmilesawayis/remainsa mystery.巨石是怎样从几百英里之外运到这里来的仍是个谜。
The mystery wassolvedwhen thepolicediscoveredthemurderweapon.警察找到凶器后,谜团便解开了。
Thebooktriestoexplainsome of the mysteriesoflife.该书试图解释一些生命之谜。
Thedetailsof thescandalremaincloaked/shrouded/wrappedinmystery.丑闻的详情仍然不明/是一个谜/披着神秘的面纱。
It'sacompletemystery (tome)that/why(= I do notunderstandwhy)shemarriedhim at all!我完全弄不懂她怎么会嫁给他!
- They neverclearedup the mystery of themissingmoney.
- He was a man of mystery -erasedfrom thehistorybooks.
- I'mafraidit's afathomlessmystery.
- There was afeelof mystery about theplace.
- Why anyonebuysmusicwith suchinsipidlyricsis a mystery.
Confusion, confusing and feeling confused
- addled
- all of a doodahidiom
- all over the placeidiom
- alphabet soup
- at seaidiom
- discombobulation
- disordered
- disorganization
- disorganized
- disorientating
- mush
- muzzily
- muzziness
- mysterious
- mysteriously
- unaccountable
- unaccountably
- unexplained
- wise
- woolliness
mysterynoun(BOOK/ FILM/PLAY)
abook,film, orplay,especiallyabout acrimeor amurder, with asurpriseendingthatexplainsall thestrangeeventsthat havehappened:
悬疑作品;悬疑电影;推理剧I reallyenjoymurdermysteries.我很爱看谋杀推理作品。
a mysterywriter侦探小说作家
Types of film, play, book etc.
- adaptation
- Afrofuturism
- allegorical
- allegory
- anime
- autobiographical
- computer-animated
- cyberpunk
- episodic
- Gothic
- kitchen-sink
- lampoon
- procedural
- prosy
- psychological
- pulpy
- satirical
- self-referential
- smash