uk/mɪˈθɒl.ə.dʒi/us/mɪˈθɑː.lə.dʒi/mythologynoun[U](ANCIENT STORIES)
神话She'sfascinatedby thestoriesofclassicalmythology(=ancientGreekandRomanmyths).她被古典神话故事迷住了。
Accounts and stories
- anecdote
- another
- anti-narrative
- be another storyidiom
- bodice-ripper
- brushstroke
- cautionary tale
- commentary
- legendary
- lore
- misdescription
- multi-stranded
- myth
- running commentaryphrase
- scenario
- shaggy-dog story
- short story
- sob story
- strand
- writesomethingup
mythologynoun[U](POPULAR BELIEF)
apopularbeliefthat isprobablynottrue:
普遍但错误的看法It's just apieceofpopularmythology thatpeoplealways getsackedwhen they are away from theoffice.缺勤会遭到解雇其实是一种普遍的错误观念。
Opinions, beliefs and points of view
- Afrocentric
- agnosticism
- angle
- anti-ideological
- article of faith
- ascription
- bubble
- creed
- have/take a notion todo somethingidiom
- helicopter view
- heretical
- hot take
- idea
- outlook
- pole
- politics
- posture
- pretension
- prism
- relativism