engineeringspecializeduk/nəˈsel/us/nəˈsel/acoverthatholdsengines,fuel, andequipmenton anaircraftbut isseparatefrom thefuselage(= themainbodyof anaircraft):
发动机舱;短舱;吊舱;气球吊篮Thedesignof theaircrafthas beenmodifiedand theenginenacelles nowencasetheentireengine.飞机的设计已经得到修改,发动机短舱现在包裹着整个发动机。

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- Workers at theplantconnectthe nacelles to theengines.
- Werecognizedthat there arefundamentalproblemswith thehydraulicsin the nacelle.
- Achafedhydrauliclinehiddendeepin the nacellestartedthechainofeventsthatledto thecrash.
Air travel: parts of aeroplanes
- aisle
- altimeter
- autopilot
- bulkhead
- finny
- fixed-wing
- flaperon
- fuselage
- joystick
- multi-engine
- nose
- nose cone
- propeller
- safety belt
- shell
- skid
- spoiler
- stabilizer
- starboard
- wing