asmall,thinpieceofmetalwith onepointedend and oneflatend that youhitinto something with ahammer,especiallyinordertofastenorjoinit to somethingelse:
钉,钉子a three-inch nail3英寸长的钉子
Isteppedon a nailstickingout of thefloorboards.我踩到了地板上凸出来的一颗钉子。
Hammera nail into thewalland we'llhangthemirrorfrom it.在墙上钉个钉子,我们要把镜子挂在上面。

trekandshoot/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- I got aflattyreafterdrivingover a nail.
- Can youholdthis nail inpositionwhile Ihammerit into thedoor?
- Irippedmyshirton a nail.
- I've got arunin mytightsfrom the nail on mychair.
- Shescroungedaround in thetoolboxfor atackor nail tohangthenoticeup with.
Nuts, bolts & screws
- bolt
- nut
- rivet
- screw
- thread
- wing nut
nailnoun[C](BODY PART)
athin, hardareathatcoverstheuppersideof the end of eachfingerand eachtoe:
a nailfile指甲锉
See also

krisanapong detraphiphat/Moment/GettyImages
- You're not tobiteyournails like that.
- Shepaintedher nails abrightred.
- Shefiledher nails as shewatchedTV.
- Shesatin the dentist'swaitingroom,nervouslychewingat her nails.
- Iwishmy nailpolishwouldn'tkeepchipping.
The hand
- carpal
- carpometacarpal
- carpus
- cuticle
- dexterity
- dexterous
- finger
- fingertip
- heel
- knuckle
- left-handed
- left-hander
- little finger
- metacarpus
- minimus
- opposable
- palm
- palmar
- phalangeal
- pinkie
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
The foot
another/the final nail in the coffin
hard/tough as nails
[T+ adv/prep]
tofastensomething with nails:
用钉子钉,将…钉牢She had nailed asmallshelftothedoor.她在门上钉了一个小架子。
Anoticehad been nailedupon thewall.墙上钉了一张通知。
Thelidof theboxhad been naileddown.棺材盖被钉死了。
Fastening and tying
- anchor
- bale
- be locked togetheridiom
- belay
- bind
- boardsomethingup
- bound
- bowline
- granny knot
- half hitch
- harness
- hobble
- hogtie
- stake
- strap
- strapsomeonein
- strapsomethingup
- tack
- tapesomethingup
- tether
tocatchsomeone,especiallywhen they are doing somethingwrong, or to make itclearthat they areguilty:
(尤指当场)抓获,逮住;证明…有罪,揭发Thepolicehad beentryingto nail thoseguysformonths.数月来警方一直想抓住那帮家伙。
to find and take a person who has done something wrong
- catchThey were caught trying to smuggle cigarettes across the border.
- arrestHe was arrested on suspicion of causing criminal damage to property.
- place/put under arrestThe suspect was placed under arrest and charged with armed assault.
- captureThe soldiers were captured by enemy forces.
- apprehendThe police have apprehended two individuals in connection with the crime.
- nabThe cops nabbed him as he tried to get away.
Arresting & charging
- apprehend
- apprehension
- arrest
- assist
- attach
- attachment
- bust
- busted
- charge
- collar
- fed
- handcuff
- handcuffs
- house arrest
- knock
- pick
- picksomeone/somethingup
- post-arrest
- probable cause
- pull
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Blaming & accusing
to do somethingsuccessfully:
She nailed herauditionand got theleadpartin themusical.她在试镜中表现出色,得到了音乐剧中的主角角色。
Youtotallynailed it!你完全搞定了!
Succeeding, achieving and fulfilling
- A game
- accomplish
- achieve
- acquit
- actualize
- bear
- go (like/down) a bombidiom
- go faridiom
- go from strength to strengthidiom
- go into orbitidiom
- go placesidiom
- grade
- kill
- rise
- scrape through(something)
- sewsomethingup
- slam dunk
- smash itidiom
- somewhere
- stand out
nailyourcolours to the mast
nail a lie
nailing jelly to the wall
Phrasal verbs