uk/den/us/den/dennoun[C](FOR ANIMALS)
Mary Plage/Oxford Scientific/GettyImages
Animal dwellings - natural
- anthill
- arboreal
- biome
- burrow
- byre
- cobweb
- earth
- foxhole
- guest
- habitat
- hole
- holt
- lair
- lodge
- molehill
- rookery
- sett
- spider's web
- warren
- wildlife corridor
aroomin ahouseorapartment, used foractivitiesnotinvolvingwork:
活动室,休闲室ThekidsarewatchingTV in the den.孩子们正在活动室里看电视。
Parts of buildings: rooms
- antechamber
- anteroom
- atelier
- attic
- ballroom
- efficiency room
- en suite
- eyrie
- family room
- form room
- meat locker
- multi-chambered
- multi-room
- observation lounge
- panic room
- vestibule
- waiting room
- wet room
- workroom
- workshop
dennoun[C](FOR CHILDREN)
aroughstructure, usuallybuiltoutsidefrompiecesofwood,cardboard, etc., in whichchildrenplay
(供孩子玩耍用的)简易房,简易棚Play areas for children
- adventure playground
- amusement arcade
- ball pool
- climbing frame
- paddling pool
- play park
- playground
- playroom
- rec
- recreation ground
- roundabout
- sandbox
- sandlot
- sandpit
- schoolyard
- seesaw
- swing
- teeter-totter
- wading pool
- Wendy house
aplacewherepeoplesecretlyplanor takepartindishonestorillegalactivities:
oftenhumorousa denofthieves/iniquity贼窝/魔窟
Unpleasant places
- armpit
- be the armpit ofsomethingidiom
- desert
- dive
- eyesore
- fleapit
- hellhole
- hole
- nest
- pigpen
- pigsty
- sausage machine
- slum
- slummy
- the Black Hole of Calcutta
- wasteland
- what's the world coming to?idiom
- world
- zoo