astatein which or aplacewhere you aresafeand not indangeror atrisk:
安全,平安Foryour(comfortand) safety, werecommendyoukeepyourseatbeltlooselyfastenedduring theflight.为了您的(舒适和)安全,我们建议您在飞行期间松松地系住安全带。
Reporters mayenterthedangerzonebutunfortunatelywe cannotguarantee/assuretheirsafety.记者可以进入危险区,但遗憾的是,我们不能确保他们的安全。
Thecrewof theshipwere winched to safety by arescuehelicopter.全体船员被救援直升机吊运至安全的地方。
As thegunmanopenedfire, they allran/divedforsafety behind thetrees.持枪歹徒一开火,他们全都跑/冲到树后以保安全。
Policeareconcernedforthe safetyof(=thinkthat somethingbadmight havehappenedto)the five-year-old.警方为那个5岁小孩的安全担心。
He wasledtoaplaceofsafety(=somewherehe would not be indanger,especiallyof beingfoundandharmed).他被领到了一个安全的地方。
- Concern for the safety of the twomissingteenagersisgrowing.
- Thereportishighlycriticalof safetystandardsat thefactory.
- Theairlineis takingstepstoensuresafety onitsaircraft.
- Herparentsfearfor her safety.
- Thesemeasuresweredesignedtoimprovecarsafety.
Safe and secure
- airworthiness
- airworthy
- as safe as housesidiom
- biosafety
- bite
- health and safety
- impregnable
- in safe handsidiom
- innocent
- innocuous
- safe
- safe space
- safeguard
- safely
- safeness
- seaworthy
- someone/somethingwon't biteidiom
- the coast is clearidiom
- well kept
- worthy
safety first
there's safety in numbers