theactofprotectingsomeone or something againstattackorcriticism:
Hepublishedanessayin defence ofthefreedomof thepress.
Thesepeoplehavediedin the defence ofliberty.
Sheangrilycame toher friend'sdefence.
toleap/rush/jump/springto sb's defence(=defendthemquickly)
See also
something thatprovidesprotectionagainstattackfromenemies, or against somethingdangeroussuch asweatheror aninfection:
Therebels' onlyformof defenceagainstthesoldiers'gunswassticksandstones.叛乱者只能用木棍和石块来抵御士兵们的枪弹。
Thetowerswereonceanimportantpartof the city's defences.那些高塔曾经是该市防御体系中的重要组成部分。
She called for newflooddefences to bebuilt.
A gooddiethelpsbuildthe body'snaturaldefences.良好的饮食习惯有助于增强身体的自然抵抗能力。
thesystems,organizations,partsof a country'sgovernment, etc. that areinvolvedin acountryprotectingitself againstattack:
Thewarhasendedbutgovernmentspendingon defence is stillincreasing.
the Ministry of Defence
a defencesecretary/minister/spokesperson
the defencebudget
apieceof writing orspeechthatsupportssomething or someone that has beencriticized:
Thebookis acloselyargueddefenceoftheeconomictheoryof Keynes.
- Whenever anyonecriticizesherhusband, sheimmediatelyjumpsto his defence.
- "Shut up," she said,leapingto her friend's defence.
- Hugesumsofmoneyarespentonnationaldefence.
- They have beenstrengtheningtheirborderdefences inpreparationforwar.
- Why isourdefencebudgetso high?
- They put up asturdydefence oftheirproposal.
Defending and protecting
- anti-bug
- anti-mosquito
- baby
- bandobast
- bastion
- buffer
- defend
- defensive
- harbour
- harm
- have (got)someone'sbackidiom
- hold off
- inoculation
- killsomeonewith kindnessidiom
- sheltered
- shield
- splashproof
- takesomeoneunderyourwingidiom
- watchyourbackidiom
- wing
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Backing, supporting & defending
The armed forces generally
UK politics: government departments & organizations
defencenoun(IN LAW)
anargumentorexplanationthat you use toprovethat you are notguiltyof something:
辩护,辩解;辩词Thejudgeremarkedthatignorancewas not avaliddefence.法官说无知不能成为有效的辩护理由。
All I can say,indefenceofmyactions, is that I had littlechoice.我只能以别无选择来为自己的行为辩解。
the things said incourttoprovethat apersondid notcommitacrime:
(法庭)辩护;辩词,答辩She said that she didn'twantalawyerand was going toconducther own defence.她说她不需要律师,要自己辩护。
the defenceC2
thepersonorpeoplein alawcasewho have beenaccusedof doing somethingillegal, andtheirlawyer(s):
辩方;辩方律师awitnessfor the defence辩方证人
a defencelawyer辩方律师
Court cases, orders & decisions
- actionable
- administer
- admissibility
- admissible
- affidavit
- committal
- conveyancing
- exhibit
- extinguishment
- extrajudicial
- fatal accident inquiry
- finding
- gagging order
- inquest
- moot
- power of attorney
- precedent
- pretrial
- probate
- provide
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Lawyers & legal officials
People appearing in court
in somesports, thepartof ateamthattriestopreventthe otherteamfromscoringgoalsorpoints:
Iplayin defence.我是防守队员。
- Theteamhas astrongattack, butitsdefence isweak.
Competitors & participants in sports & games
- back four
- baller
- ballplayer
- base jumper
- benchwarmer
- challenger
- competitor
- jumper
- keeper
- long-jumper
- longboarder
- major league
- mid-table
- midfield anchor
- retire
- trampolinist
- trialist
- triathlete
- triple jumper
- triple threat
in thegameofchess, aparticularset ofmovesused by thepersonplayingwith theblackpieces:
(国际象棋的)防御(黑棋的布局和走法)What defence did you use in that lastgame?上场比赛中你用了什么防御法?
Board games
- backgammon
- bishop
- blitz
- board game
- castle
- Chinese chequers
- Chutes and Ladders
- counterplay
- draught
- endgame
- forfeit
- gambit
- move
- pawn
- pin
- queen
- queenside
- re-roll
- resign
- square