toprotectsomeone or something againstattackorcriticism:
How can we defendourhomelandif we don't have anarmy?如果没有军队,我们怎能保护我们的家园?
Whitebloodcellshelpdefend thebodyagainstinfection.白细胞帮助保护身体免受感染。
They arefightingto defendtheirbeliefs/interests/rights.他们在为捍卫自己的信仰/利益/权利而战。
I'm going tokaratelessonstolearnhow to defendmyself.我要去参加空手道训练课,学习如何自我防卫。
The Bank ofEnglandintervenedthismorningto defend thepound(=stopit fromlosingvalue).今晨,英格兰银行为防止英镑贬值采取了干预措施。
tospeakor write insupportof someone or something:
Hevigorouslydefended hispointofview.他极力为自己的观点辩护。
Thepresidentwasaskedhow he could defend apolicythatincreasedunemployment.
- Thegeneralralliedhisforcesto defend thetown.
- Policeofficersusedriotshieldsto defend themselves.
- Afemaleliondefends heryoungferociously.
- In the past, thepartywould haveclosedranksarounditsleaderand defended himloyally.
- Should thechurchalways defendtraditionalvalues, or beopentochangingthem?
Defending and protecting
- anti-bug
- anti-mosquito
- baby
- bandobast
- bastion
- buffer
- defence
- defensive
- harbour
- harm
- have (got)someone'sbackidiom
- hold off
- inoculation
- killsomeonewith kindnessidiom
- sheltered
- shield
- splashproof
- takesomeoneunderyourwingidiom
- watchyourbackidiom
- wing
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Backing, supporting & defending
defendverb(IN LAW)
toactas alawyerfor someone who has beenaccusedof something in acourtoflawandtrytoprovethat they are notguilty:
(在法庭上)为…辩护,当…的辩护律师Thelawyerdefending thestudentsaskedthejudgetodismissthecharges.
He has defended manyfamousclients.
Unusually, theaccusedoptedto defend himself incourt.
Thecompanyhasspenta lot ofmoneydefending thecase.
Court cases, orders & decisions
- actionable
- administer
- admissibility
- admissible
- affidavit
- committal
- conveyancing
- exhibit
- extinguishment
- extrajudicial
- fatal accident inquiry
- finding
- gagging order
- inquest
- moot
- power of attorney
- precedent
- pretrial
- probate
- provide
defendverb(IN SPORT)
tocompetein asportscompetitionthat youwonbefore andtrytowinit again:
(运动比赛中)卫冕;蝉联冠军He will defend his 1,500metretitlethisweekend.他会在周末1500米比赛中争取卫冕。
The defendingchampionwillplayher firstmatchof thetournamenttomorrow.卫冕冠军将在明天进行她在此次锦标赛中的第一场比赛。
totrytopreventtheopposingplayerorplayersfromscoringpoints,goals, etc. in asport:
(在体育比赛中)防守,防卫In the last tenminutesof thegame, weneededto defend.我们得在比赛的最后十分钟内进行防守。
Competing in sport
- bring
- bringsomeoneon
- bye
- bye week
- catchup
- clash
- duel
- explosive
- field
- flying start
- gear
- go the distanceidiom
- match
- non-competitor
- outduel
- park the busidiom
- partner up
- play bigidiom
- square
- weigh
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
General terms used in ball sports