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单词 defend


toprotectsomeone or something againstattackorcriticism; tospeakinfavourof someone or something
How can we defendourhomelandif we don't have anarmy?如果没有军队,我们怎能保护我们的家园?
Whitebloodcellshelpdefend thebodyagainstinfection.白细胞帮助保护身体免受感染。
They arefightingto defendtheirbeliefs/interests/rights.他们在为捍卫自己的信仰/利益/权利而战。
Hevigorouslydefended hispointofview.他极力为自己的观点辩护。
Thepresidentwasaskedhow he could defend(=explainhissupportfor)apolicythatincreasedunemployment.首相被问及为什么他竟然会支持导致失业率上升的政策。
I'm going tokaratelessonstolearnhow to defend myself.我要去参加空手道训练课,学习如何自我防卫。
UKThe Bank ofEnglandintervenedthismorningto defend thepound(=stopit fromlosingvalue).今晨,英格兰银行为防止英镑贬值采取了干预措施。
More examples
  • All thepoliceofficerswereequippedwithshieldsto defend themselves against the rioters.
  • Thegeneralralliedhisforcesto defend thetown.
  • Afemaleliondefends heryoungferociously.
  • Instead of defendingtraditionalvalues, thechurchfrequentlyseemsweak-kneedandirresolute.
  • In the past, thepartywould haveclosedranksarounditsleaderand defended himloyally.

defendverb(IN COURT OF LAW)

toactas alawyerfor someone who has beenaccusedof something in acourtoflawandtrytoprovethat they are notguilty
I can'taffordalawyer, so I shall defend myself(=arguemy owncasein acourtoflaw).我请不起律师,所以我将在法庭上自辩。

defendverb(IN SPORT)

tocompetein asportscompetitionthat youwonbefore andtrytowinit again
He will defend his 1,500metretitlethisweekend.他会在周末1500米比赛中争取卫冕。
The defendingchampionwillplayher firstmatchof thetournamenttomorrow.卫冕冠军将在明天进行她在此次锦标赛中的第一场比赛。
totrytopreventtheopposingplayerorplayersfromscoringpoints,goals, etc. in asport
In the last tenminutesof thegame, weneededto defend.我们得在比赛的最后十分钟内进行防守。


Exploitive agents endowed with the ability to interact selectively succeed in defending against invasion because they induce a highly non-interactive world.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The normative component of our arguments defends the use of these constraints as consistent with, or even inherent in, deliberation.
From theCambridge English Corpus
He defended his arguments with examples from the lives of legendary and historical heroines, with supporting citations from an array of ancient and modern writers.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Even if they can, the abilities of defending their sovereignties are not equal!
From theCambridge English Corpus
As just noted, we defended a hypothesis and a mechanism underlying it.
From theCambridge English Corpus
In this way, for example, the plausibility of an argument could be defended by another argument in its subset.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The primacy thesis will be defended as a matter of the primacy of distributive over aggregative measures.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The point is that these practices cannot seriously be defended on grounds of popular sovereignty.
From theCambridge English Corpus
He defends this thesis against several compelling objections.
From theCambridge English Corpus
At the same time, both the press and the courts provided alternative strategies for defending reputations.
From theCambridge English Corpus
We accept, therefore, that we face an onus of proof in defending our definition - an onus that we cannot fully meet in this article.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The right to ask questions about community nursing practice as a discipline must be defended.
From theCambridge English Corpus
She screams, defending herself, and the hidden counsellor shouts in panic.
From theCambridge English Corpus
He was as aggressive as the poet when it came to defending territory.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Against what or whom do standards need to be defended ?
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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