specializeduk/ˌdiːˈfɪb.rɪ.leɪ.tər/us/ˌdiːˈfɪb.rə.leɪ.t̬ɚ/amachinethat uses anelectriccurrentto make someone'sheartbeat(=move)in anormal,regularway when it hasstoppeddoing this, or tostartaheartbeatingagain when it hasstopped:
Theparamedichad to use a defibrillator toshockthe woman'sheartintorestarting.
We haveinstalledportabledefibrillators inpublicbuildings.

porpeller/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Theplanehas alockedoverheadbinwhere anemergencydefibrillator isstored.
- Allschoolsshould berequiredtobuyandmaintaincardiacdefibrillators andtrainstaffto use them.
- Aweakheartispronetodevelopinglife-threateningrapidheartbeatsthat a defibrillator canstop.
- Over theyears,pacemakersand defibrillators havesavedmillions oflivesandrevolutionizedcardiaccare.
- The defibrillatorpadsareplacedon the patient'schest.
Medical & surgical equipment
- bioprinting
- bougie
- cannula
- catheterization
- catheterize
- drip
- electrocardiogram
- endoscope
- inhaler
- iron lung
- kidney machine
- lancet
- nebulizer
- needle exchange
- puffer
- radiograph
- retinaculum
- sterilizer
- thermometer