child's wordformother:
(儿语)妈妈,妈咪[as form of address]Iwantto gohome, Mummy.我想回家,妈咪。
Could Ispeaktoyourmummyplease, Phoebe?我能和你妈妈通话吗,菲比?
your parents
- parentMy parents died when I was young.
- biological parentSome children are raised by grandparents or other family members, instead of their biological parents.
- adoptive parentWhen he was 7 months old, his mother gave him up to his adoptive parents.
- motherHave you met my mother?
- fatherMy father fully supports my life choices.
- mumUKMy mum and dad go there every year.
- Give thelettertoyourmummy.
- Iwantmy mummy!
- Justwaittill Itellyourmummy!
- All the mummies anddaddieswill be there.
Family: informal names
- baba
- bro
- bruv
- bubba
- dad
- granda
- grandad
- grandaddy
- grandma
- grandpa
- mammy
- mater
- mom
- momma
- mommy
- pa
- papa
- pater
- rellie
- sis
(especiallyinancientEgypt) adeadbodythat ispreventedfromdecayingby beingtreatedwithspecialsubstancesbefore beingwrappedincloth
Patrick Ward/Corbis Documentary/GettyImages
Ancient history: before 500 AD
- ancient
- ancients
- antiquity
- archaic
- Bactrian
- centurion
- Delphic
- dolmen
- Euphrates
- gladiator
- glyph
- Hellenic
- hieroglyph
- necropolis
- Parthenon
- pharaoh
- procurator
- Qin dynasty
- Romano-
- sarcophagus
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Burying, cremating and preserving bodies