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单词 deny

denyverb[T](NOT TRUE)

to say that something is nottrue
He will notconfirmor deny theallegations.对那些指控他将不置可否。
[+ that]Neil deniesthathebrokethewindow, but I'msurehe did.尼尔不承认是他打破了窗户,但我敢肯定是他干的。
[+ -ing verb]Neil deniesbreakingthewindow.尼尔不承认是他打破了窗户。
there's no denying
it istrue
There's no denyingthatthis has been adifficultyearfor thecompany.今年对该公司而言是非常困难的一年,这一点毋庸置疑。
More examples
  • He said thepoliceassaultedhim while he was incustody, aclaimwhich thepolicedeny.
  • Thepresidenthasconsistentlydenied therumours.
  • Acloseassociateof theauthordeniedreportsthat she hadcancer.
  • She has alwaysstridentlydenied theaccusationsagainst her.
  • Theambassadordenied that anymissileshad beenfiredacrosstheborder.


to notallowsomeone to have or do something
Herrequestfortimeoffworkwas denied.她的休假请求未获得批准。
No one should be denied a goodeducation./A goodeducationshould be deniedtono one.任何人都不能被剥夺接受良好教育的权利。
[+ two objects]Thegoalkeeperdenied him his thirdgoal.守门员粉碎了他攻入第3球的希望。
I was denied theopportunityoflearningFrenchatschool.我上学时没有机会学习法语。
More examples
  • Whilepriestswere denied therighttomarryandprocreate, he said,theirsituationwouldremainimpossible.
  • Freedom ofspeechandfreedomofthoughtwere both denied under thedictatorship.
  • All I'dcherishedfrom earlychildhoodhad been denied me, so Isimplygave up theghost.
  • Can therighttoliveeverbe denied to anyhuman?
  • Hecomplainedthat he had been denied hisconjugalrights.

denyverb[T](NOT ADMIT)

to notadmitthat you haveknowledge,responsibility,feelings, etc.
He denied allresponsibilityfor therumourswhich have beencirculating.他对四处传播的谣言拒绝承担责任。
Even undertorture, herefusedto deny hisbeliefs/faith.即使遭受酷刑,他也决不放弃自己的信念/信仰。
to notallowyourself to have or do things
Manyparentsdeny themselves so thattheirchildrencan have thebest.为了让孩子们生活得称心如意,很多父母宁肯自己节衣缩食。
torefusetoadmitthat you have anyconnectionwith something or someone
She has denied herfamilyandrefusesto have anycontactwith them.她和家里断绝了一切关系,不愿跟家人再有联系。
More examples
  • Sheknewthat Dave wasn't therightman for her but she couldn't deny that there was anattractionbetween them.
  • She denied anypersonalenmitytowards him.
  • Thecompanyconsistentlydeniedresponsibility, but itagreedto thesettlementtoavoidalongandexpensivelegalcase.
  • Alois denied anyknowledgeof thematter.
  • She hasstrenuouslydenied anycriminalwrongdoing.


By doing so, he was denying the local shepherds a right they had exercised as long as they could remember.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Although the ground of the nuraghe had become private property in 1848, the owner had never denied them access.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Effectively, this denies space and time any positive characteristics of their own: they are simply the backcloth behind other entities.
From theCambridge English Corpus
As minors, they had no role in the public domain, being denied any participation in the political affairs of the country.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The persuasive appeal of this rhetorical strategy cannot be denied.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Such probable admixture through time diminishes any claim that the presence of iron working ipso facto denies the presence of settlement.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The extreme claim, however, denies that personal identity has these normative aspects.
From theCambridge English Corpus
There is no denying that religious figures have contributed acts of great virtue in the world.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Protectionism is paternalistic, essentialises the child, and denies the child a voice.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The workers were denied it because it contained within it possibilities for awakening the masses.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The main implication was that treatment would, therefore, be denied.
From theCambridge English Corpus
If the ontological argument were a success, then the existence of the ens realissimum could only be denied on pain of contradiction.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Do we do a great artist more of a disservice by admitting his personal faults, or by denying them?
From theCambridge English Corpus
Insured persons denied coverage of technologies often sought redress in the courts.
From theCambridge English Corpus
However, it may be that there are ethical objections to detecting tumors but denying treatment.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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