tochangedirectionafterhittingsomething, or tocausesomething to do this :
Theballdeflectedoffmyshoulder,straightinto thegoal.球打在我的肩膀上反弹进了球门。
Thecrowdcheeredas thegoalkeeperdeflected theshot.当守门员把球挡出去的时候人们欢呼了起来。
If ahugemeteorwasheadingtowards us,ourbesthopecould be to deflect itaway fromtheEarthusing anuclearexplosion.
tocausesomeone tochangefrom orstopwhat they wereintendingto do:
Hisinitialdefeatsdid not deflect himfromhisambitions.
Shelistensto him, but doesn'tallowherself to be deflectedfromherpurpose.
We willcontinuewithourplansand not be deflected by theattacks.
toavoidsomething such ascriticism,blame, or aquestionbeingdirectedat you:
Thepresidentdeflectedcriticismof hiseconomicrecordbyfocusingoncrime.
Hesuccessfullydeflectedblamefor hismismanagementof thecrisis.
I justtriedto deflectquestionsthebestway I could.
When someone deflects, they aretryingtofeellessguilty,avoidnegativeconsequences, and put theblameonothers.
Theguiltypersondeflectstheirguiltonto thepersonwho isaccusingthem or onto anotherperson.
- She uses herlongarmstodistractshooters and deflectpasses.
- Screens deflectfishaway from thedams'turbines.
- Most of thestreamof high-energyradiationcoming from the Sun is deflected by Earth'smagneticfield.
- Letyourbossrealizethat nothing is going to deflect you fromreachingyourobjectives.
- Theadministrationtriedto deflectcriticismofitsenvironmentalrecordbyfocusingontroublesinCongress.
- Theypaintedhim as thevictimof amalicioussmearcampaign,thusdeflecting thespotlightfrom hislackofexperience.
- Theabuserimmediatelyrespondsto anydiscussionorconfrontationof hisactionsby deflecting thefocusonto the survivor'sbehaviour.
- Beingfriendswith someone who deflects onto you candamageyourmentalhealthandself-esteem.
- Here are somesignsyourpartnermay be deflectingresponsibilityfor what goeswronginyourrelationship.
Changing direction
- about-face
- about-turn
- bear
- bore
- branch off
- break
- cut
- decoy
- deflection
- divert
- glance off(something)
- head off
- oscillate
- oscillation
- peaked
- reverse
- turn
- U-ie
- veer
- yo-yoing
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Goals and purposes
Avoiding action
Blaming & accusing