The secondgoalwas from a deflectionoffthe Liverpooldefender.
Hisshottooka deflection andsailedinto thenet.
Measure theangleofdeflection of thelaserbeamwhen ithitsthesurface.
something you do or say inordertoavoidsomething such ascriticism,blame, or aquestionbeingdirectedat you:
Reporters werefrustratedby herconstantdeflectionoftheirquestions.
Inoticedhisskilfuldeflection ofblameonto otherteammembers.
There arejokesand deflections but noanswers.
Deflection is apsychologicaldefencein which youdeflectblametoothers.
- The deflectionssteertheelectronsintopatternsknowntomathematiciansandphysicistsas caustics.
- Fordecadeshe has been on thepublicstageandyetheremainsinscrutable, acageymasterof deflection.
- That was aniceattemptat deflection but I'm going toaskyou thequestionagain!
- Thedecisiontocampaignontaxationprovidesaneatdeflection fromdiscussionabouthealthandcrime, twoareaswhere thegovernmentisweak.
- Deflection is adeliberatetacticin which anyattempttotalkaboutfeelingsorbehaviourismetwith abarrageofargumentandblameofothers.
Changing direction
- about-face
- about-turn
- bear
- bore
- branch off
- break
- cut
- decoy
- deflect
- divert
- glance off(something)
- head off
- oscillate
- oscillation
- peaked
- reverse
- turn
- U-ie
- veer
- yo-yoing
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Avoiding action
Blaming & accusing