deposit can
USuk/dɪˈpɒz.ɪt ˌkæn/us/dɪˈpɑː.zɪt ˌkæn/a can fordrinksfor which asmallamountofmoneyis given back to you if youreturnthe can to astorewhen it isempty:
(退瓶可获退押金的)押金罐If youbringthedepositcansback, you'll have enoughmoneyforgum.如果你把押金罐带回来,你就有足够的钱买口香糖。
Thebillwillrequirelargestorestoacceptanydepositcan orbottle,regardlessof whether thestoresellsthatbrand.该法案将要求大型商店接受任何押金罐或瓶子,无论该商店是否销售该品牌。
- Therecyclingmachinesacceptdepositcans, andrecyclableplasticbottles.
- Depositcansachievedalowerreturnratethanbottles.
- Asrecyclinggainsmomentum,depositbottlesare back,depositcanshavearrived, anddepositsfor otherpackagingmaterialsare to beexpected.
Containers for liquids and gases
- aerosol
- amphora
- bottle
- bucket
- canister
- churn
- flask
- hip flask
- hot-water bottle
- hottie
- howler
- inkwell
- oxygen tank
- siphon
- sprayer
- stoup
- Thermos
- tin can
- tinnie
- travel mug