apersonchosenorelectedby agrouptospeak,vote, etc. for them,especiallyat ameeting:
(尤指会议的)代表Delegates havevotedinfavourof themotion.代表们对这项动议投了赞成票。
Eachunionelectsseveral delegatestotheannualconference.每个工会选出数名代表参加年度大会。
- Our delegates have beenmandatedtovoteagainst theproposalat theconference.
- The delegatestrailedback into theconferenceroomfor theafternoonsession.
- They'vecharteredaplaneto take delegates to theconference.
- With oneaccord, the delegateswalkedout of theconference.
- Theconferencedelegates weretransfixedby herspeech.
Replacing and exchanging
- alternate
- alternatively
- bargainsomethingaway
- change over
- instead of
- lieu
- make up forsomething
- name
- novate
- rep
- represent
- shoe
- sing
- someone'sanswer tosomeone/somethingidiom
- spare
- step intosomeone'sshoesidiom
- step into the breachidiom
- sub outsomething
- substitution
- succeed
to give aparticularjob,duty,right, etc. to someoneelseso that they do it for you:
(把…)委派(给…),(把…)委托(给…);授权(给…)As abossyou have to delegate (responsibilitiestoyourstaff).你作为老板必须要分派工作。
Authority to makefinancialdecisionshas been delegatedtoaspecialcommittee.财政决策权已经交给一个特别委员会了。
Applying for a job
- acquihire
- advertisement
- anoint
- anointed
- applicant
- assign
- elect
- go intosomething
- golden hello
- goonda
- handpicked
- headhunt
- nomination
- prospect
- resume
- retain
- rope
- self-constituted
- serving
- testimonial
delegateverb(CHOOSE PERSON)
[T+ obj + to infinitive]
tochooseorelectsomeone tospeak,vote, etc. for agroup,especiallyat ameeting:
选出(尤指会议的)代表Agroupof fourteacherswere delegatedtorepresenttheircolleaguesat theunionconference.一个由4名教师组成的小组被选出来代表同事出席工会大会。
Applying for a job
- acquihire
- advertisement
- anoint
- anointed
- applicant
- assign
- elect
- go intosomething
- golden hello
- goonda
- handpicked
- headhunt
- nomination
- prospect
- resume
- retain
- rope
- self-constituted
- serving
- testimonial