a woman whorulesacountrybecause she has beenborninto aroyalfamily, or a woman who ismarriedto aking:
The Queen ismeetingtheprimeministertoday.今天女王要接见首相。
any woman who isconsideredto be thebestat what she does:
杰出女性,女杰She's thereigningqueen ofcrimewriters.她是当今首屈一指的犯罪小说作家。
someone famous
- celebrityThe magazine is all about the lives of celebrities.
- celebWhich celeb recently spent $60,000 on an engagement ring?
- slebUKShe was last spotted interviewing a minor sleb on the red carpet.
- starHer ambition was always to become a movie star.
- superstarRock superstar Elton John grew up working class in England.
- legendHe became a legend in his own lifetime.
- The queen may haveprivilegebut she has norealpoliticalclout.
- The queen, infullceremonialdress,presidedover theceremony.
- The queen willattendtheofficialopeningof thetheatreinJune.
- The queenoutlastedall herchildren.
- Thecountrywas without arulerafter the queendied.
Royalty, aristocracy & titles
- accede tosomething
- accession
- anointed
- anti-monarchical
- anti-monarchist
- duke
- dukedom
- earl
- earldom
- emir
- Messrs
- miss
- mister
- monarch
- royal prerogative
- royalist
- Rt. Hon.
- Shah
- sheikh
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Good and excellent things
the mostpowerfulpieceon theboardin thegameofchess
Anthony Bradshaw/ Photographer's Choice/GettyImages
in a set ofplayingcards, acardwith apictureof a queen on it. It is usuallyworthless than aking.
captivecookie/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Board games
- backgammon
- bishop
- blitz
- board game
- castle
- Chinese chequers
- Chutes and Ladders
- counterplay
- defence
- endgame
- forfeit
- gambit
- move
- pawn
- pin
- queenside
- re-roll
- resign
- rook
- square
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Card games
in agroupofinsects, asinglelargefemalethatproduceseggs:
Insect names
- anopheles
- ant
- aphid
- beastie
- bedbug
- daddy longlegs
- damselfly
- deathwatch beetle
- dragonfly
- dust mite
- housefly
- insect
- jigger
- ladybird
- lice
- sow bug
- spider mite
- stick insect
- swallowtail
- termite
queennoun[C](GAY MAN)
agayman,especiallyanolderman, whose way ofbehavingisnoticeableandartificial:
(举止明显像女人的)同性恋男子,(尤指)老同性恋男子James is such anoldqueen.詹姆斯是一个老同性恋。