historyspecializeduk/kwɜːn/us/kwɜ˞ːn/asimpledeviceforgrindinggrain(= making it into apowder)between twoheavystones:
Neolithicpeoplesusedstonequerns togrindthehulledgrains, thenboiledthem to make akindofporridge.新石器时代的人们用石磨去除谷物的壳,然后煮成粥一样的食物。

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- Saddle querns, which are aslabofstoneslightlyhollowon thesurfacein whichcorncan begroundusing alargepebble, have beenrecoveredfrom Ardnave, Kilellan and Manitoba.
- She would be set toturnthe quern togrindtheoatmeal, and then she'd besenttofetchhay,peat, andwater.
- Amongst theartifactsrecordedare aplainbronzepin, fourarrowheads, twosaddlequerns, andlargequantitiesof Early BronzeAgeflint.
- At thattimericewasbroughtintocultivation, andgrainwascrushedwith awheelin the quern.
Machines - general words
- 3-D printer
- animatronic
- automated
- automation
- backhoe
- chuck
- coffee machine
- concrete mixer
- crankshaft
- flywheel
- generator
- hoist
- mill
- shredder
- tabulator
- teleprompter
- telerobotics
- touchless
- ultra-sensitive
- water cooler
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