sex therapist
uk/ˈseks ˌθer.ə.pɪst/us/ˈseks ˌθer.ə.pɪst/:
someone whosejobis to giveadviceortrainingtohelppeoplewho havesexualproblems:
她在洛杉矶从事性治疗师的工作。Sheworksas asextherapistin Los Angeles.
sex therapy
- A goodsextherapistcanhelpcouplesnavigatethroughtheirprocessoffindingmoreintimacyandenhancingtheirsexlife.
- Despite Viagra'ssuccess,sextherapistssay it hasn't put them out ofbusiness.
- The Albuquerque woman, who nowseesasextherapistwith herhusband,agreedtotalkto the Journal about theeffectsof heraddictiontopornography.
- Anassessmentof theindividualor couple'sproblemisfollowedbysimplecounsellingor, in theeventoffailure, byreferraltospeciallytrainedsextherapists.
Counselling & psychotherapy
- analyst
- aversion therapy
- cognitive behavioural therapy
- cognitive therapy
- group therapy
- helpline
- hypnotherapy
- instrumental aggression
- marriage counseling
- marriage guidance
- mind-body
- psychotherapist
- psychotherapy
- self-harm
- self-harming
- sex therapy
- sexologist
- stress management
- tough love