anareaofdarkness,causedbylightbeingblockedby something:
阴影,影子Thechildrenwereplaying,jumpingon each other's shadows.孩子们正在嬉戏,跳来跳去踩彼此的影子。
Jamiefollowedhismotheraround alldaylike a shadow.杰米像影子一样整天跟着他母亲。
Thesunshonethrough theleaves,casting/throwingshadows on thelawn.阳光透过树叶,在草地上投下阴影。
Thiscornerof theroomis alwaysinshadow(=slightdarkness).房间的这个角落总是有些暗。

the shadows[plural]
anareaofdarknessin whichpeopleand things cannot beseen:
暗处;阴影处Someonejumpedout of the shadows andgrabbedmyhandbag.有个人从阴暗处窜出,抢走了我的手提包。
黑眼圈She put on somemake-uptocoverthedarkshadows under hereyes.她化了点妆来掩盖她眼睛下的黑眼圈。
be in/under the shadow ofsomething
to be verycloseto alargerbuildingorplace:
离(某个大的建筑物或场所)很近Hisworkshopwas in the shadow of thegreatchurchofSanPaolo Maggiore.他的工作坊离圣保罗大教堂很近。
to be in asituationin which somethingunpleasanteitherseemslikelytohappenand to have abadeffectonyourlife, or is already having abadeffectonyourlife:
处在…的阴影中We are alllivingunder the shadow ofwar.我们都生活在战争的阴影中。
- The settingsuncastlongshadowsacrossthelawn.
- Someone waslurkingin the shadows.
- The shadowsdeepenedas theeveningdrewon.
- Thetreecasta shadow over hisface.
- A shadowfellover herworkand shelookedup toseewho was there.
Darkness & becoming dark
- blackness
- darken
- darkened
- darkly
- darkness
- deepen
- dim
- dimly
- dimness
- dingily
- draw
- inky
- matt
- pitch darkness
- shade
- shaded
- shadowy
- sombreness
- twilight
- umbra
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
The eye & surrounding area
Closeness in distance and time
Unsafe and insecure
shadownoun(SMALL AMOUNT)
一点点,一丝It is atragicstory, but there is a shadow ofhope.那是一个悲剧故事,但仍有一丝希望。
There isn't a shadowofdoubtthat you've made therightdecision.毫无疑问,你作出的决定是正确的。
beyond/without a shadow of a doubt
If something istruebeyond a shadow of adoubt, there is nodoubtthat it istrue:
无疑,毫无疑问This is without a shadow of adoubtthebestmovieI'veseenallyear.毫无疑问,这是我整年来看过最好的一部电影。
certain about something
- certainI feel certain that this change will be for the best.
- know/say for certainI can't say for certain, but I think he's coming to the party.
- sureDon't worry - I'm sure it won't be a problem.
- positive"Are you sure you let the cat in?" "I'm positive."
Words meaning small pieces and amounts
- by a noseidiom
- clipping
- crumb
- dab
- dollop
- fraction
- grain
- hint
- oddments
- paring
- peewee
- pinch
- potsherd
- skinny
- spark
- swatch
- tad
- thimbleful
- tidbit
- tiddler
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
someone whofollowsanotherpersoneverywhere:
跟踪者,盯梢者;形影不离的人"Ithinkwe have a shadow onourtail,"mutteredthedetective.“我认为有人在跟踪我们,”侦探低声说。
Ever since he wasabletowalk, Stephen has been hisolderbrother's shadow(= hasfollowedhim andcopiedhisactions).自从斯蒂芬会走路之后,就一直和他哥哥形影不离。
apersonwhofollowssomeoneelsewhile they are atworkinordertolearnabout that person'sjob
(尤指行业的)学徒;见习生International relations: spying and espionage
- agent
- agent provocateur
- anti-bug
- counter-espionage
- insider
- intel
- intelligence
- MI5
- MI6
- operative
- scout
- sleuthing
- snoop
- spook
- spy
- spy onsomeone/something
- superspy
- tail
- tap
- the CIA
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Employees & colleagues
be afraid of your own shadow
be a shadow ofyourformer self
be in/undersomeone'sshadow
cast a shadow over/onsomething
尾随;跟踪Thepolicethinkthat therobbersshadowedtheirvictimsfordaysbefore thecrime.警方认为抢劫者跟踪了受害人几天之后才实施犯罪的。
Theeurohascloselyshadowed thedollar.欧元紧跟美元。
to follow someone or something
- followFollow me - this way!
- tag alongDo you mind if my little brother tags along?
- chaseHe was running and the dog was chasing him.
- pursueThe robber was pursued by several members of the public.
- tailThe car was tailed by police for several hours.
- shadowThe police think the robbers shadowed their victims for days before the crime.
tofollowsomeoneelsewhile they are atworkinordertolearnabout that person'sjob:
(为了解某人的工作而)跟随见习Yourfirstweekin thejobwill bespentshadowing one ofourmoreexperiencedemployees.你工作的第一周将是跟随我们其中一位经验丰富的雇员学习。
- be hot onsomeone'strack/trailidiom
- be onsomeone'stailidiom
- bear
- bear down onsomeone/something
- bring
- bring up the rearidiom
- convoy
- flight
- hound
- humbug
- in hot pursuitidiom
- on the scentidiom
- pester
- pursue
- run
- stick
- tailgate
- tailgating
- track
- track and trace
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Learning & knowing
toproducea shadow:
投下阴影;产生阴影We cameacrossagladeshadowed bylargetrees.我们偶然发现了一块被大树遮蔽的空地。
Darkness & becoming dark
- blackness
- darken
- darkened
- darkly
- darkness
- deepen
- dim
- dimly
- dimness
- dingily
- draw
- inky
- matt
- pitch darkness
- shade
- shaded
- shadowy
- sombreness
- twilight
- umbra
to make apersonunhappyor to maketheirlifelesshappy:
使(某人)不快乐Mentalillnesshad shadowed him for more than adecade.十年来他的人生一直被精神疾病所困扰。
Making people sad, shocked and upset
- aback
- amiss
- appal
- be laughing on the other side ofyourfaceidiom
- bite
- bum
- gnaw
- haunt
- heartbreaker
- heartbreakingly
- hit/touch a (raw) nerveidiom
- nerve
- screw(something)up
- sensitivity
- shakesomeoneout ofsomething
- shakesomeoneup
- shake/rocksomethingtoitsfoundationsidiom
- shattering
- tear
- toxic
adjective[before noun]
UKuk/ˈʃæd.əʊ/us/ˈʃæd.oʊ/used in thetitleofimportantpoliticiansin themainoppositionparty(= thepartynot ingovernment):
(用于主要反对党的要员的头衔中)影子的the Shadow ForeignSecretary影子外交大臣
the ShadowCabinet影子内阁
Government ministers & civil servants
- aide
- am
- attorney general
- backbencher
- cabinet
- Foreign Secretary
- functionary
- government
- Home Secretary
- interministerial
- private member
- private secretary
- Privy Councillor
- procurator
- public servant
- Surgeon General
- syndic
- town clerk
- undersecretary
- vizier