Delhi belly
mainlyUKhumorous(alsoDelhi Belly)uk/ˈdel.i ˌbel.i/us/ˈdel.i ˌbel.i/(USAztec two-step)aslightstomachillnesswhiletravelling,causedbyeatingthings that you do not usuallyeator something that is notsafetoeat:
(旅行期间因饮食原因发生的腹部疾病)德里腹They allcomplainabout having Delhibellyand then they gostraightin thepoolthe nextmorning.他们都抱怨自己得了德里腹,第二天一早却都去了游泳池。
Thebeachresorthas toimprovethewaterqualityso thatguestsstopgetting Delhi Belly.那家沙滩度假村必须改善饮水质量,别让游客得上德里腹。
Montezuma's revenge
- Anoccasionaltouchof "Delhibelly" isunavoidablewhen you're not used to thespicyfood, but nothing toworryabout.
- He hadcomplicationsfollowingwhat wasprobablydysentery, but we hadassumedwasmerelyDelhi Belly.
- I'm off toIndiaandSouthEastAsiabackpackingnextyear. What canhelppreventanattackof Delhibelly?
- Ihopeshe isn'tproneto thedreaded"Delhi Belly".
- "Delhibelly" is the traveller'sdiarrhoeathatruinsthousands ofholidayseveryyear.
Digestive disorders
- achalasia
- acid reflux
- anti-diarrhoea
- anti-diarrhoeal
- Aztec two-step
- colic
- diarrhoea
- flatulence
- gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
- gastroenteritis
- gastroparesis
- gippy tummy
- ileitis
- indigestion
- sprue
- stomach flu
- ulcerative colitis
- unexplained gastrointestinal bleeding