aninjuryormarkwhere theskinhas not beenbrokenbut isdarkerincolour, often as aresultof beinghitby something:
碰伤;瘀伤Hisarmsand back werecoveredinbruises.他手臂和背部到处是瘀伤。
She had a fewcutsandbruises but nothingserious.她有几处伤口和瘀痕,但不严重。
One or two of thepeacheshad bruises on them.有一两只桃子上有碰伤的痕迹。
damage to the body
- injuryHe was treated for minor injuries.
- woundMost of the casualties had gunshot wounds.
- cutHe walked away from the car crash with only cuts and bruises.
- gashHe was bleeding profusely from a deep gash in his leg.
- scratchShe had little scratches all over her arms.
- lacerationA doctor's report said the laceration had cut the jugular vein.

DR P. MARAZZI/SCIENCE PHOTO /Science Photo Library/GettyImages
- She's got anastybruise on hershinfrom when hekickedher.
- I've got abigpurplebruise where Ihitmylegagainst thecornerof thetable.
- He wasn'tseriouslyinjured- he just got a fewcutsand bruises.
- Herlegswerecoveredinscratchesand bruises after herwalkthrough theforest.
- Theridearound thebaywaswonderful- but it wasweeksbefore my bruises went away!
Skin complaints & blemishes
- age spot
- anti-crack
- anti-dandruff
- anti-leprosy
- anti-ulcer
- birthmark
- carbuncle
- chapped
- contusion
- eczema
- impetigo
- itch
- itchy
- pruritic
- pruritus
- pyoderma gangrenosum
- redness
- rosacea
- scald
- shingle
uk/bruːz/us/bruːz/todevelopa bruise or tocausesomeone or something to have a bruise:
(使)出现伤痕;撞伤;碰伤How did you bruiseyourarm?你胳膊上的瘀伤是怎么弄的?
Bananas and othersoftfruitsbruiseeasily.香蕉和其他较软的水果都极易碰伤。
Skin complaints & blemishes
- age spot
- anti-crack
- anti-dandruff
- anti-leprosy
- anti-ulcer
- birthmark
- carbuncle
- chapped
- contusion
- eczema
- impetigo
- itch
- itchy
- pruritic
- pruritus
- pyoderma gangrenosum
- redness
- rosacea
- scald
- shingle