not having the things that arenecessaryfor apleasantlife, such as enoughmoney,food, or goodlivingconditions:
短缺的,匮乏的;贫寒的She had a deprivedchildhood/comes from a deprivedbackground.她度过了贫困的童年/她家境贫寒。
a deprivedarea贫困地区
not having much or enough money
- poorHer family was poor and didn't own a computer.
- pennilessAt the time, I was a penniless student.
- impoverishedBenefits should be targeted at the most impoverished families.
- disadvantagedThe scheme was set up to help disadvantaged children.
- deprivedDeprived areas will be hardest hit by the cuts.
- Manymothersofyoungchildren, deprived ofintellectualstimulation,becomequitedepressed.
- Theyheardfrom one man about his deprivedchildhoodin aninstitution.
- The Prince'stourconvenientlyomittedthe most deprivedareasof thecity.
- Thesemeasuresareintendedtohelppeoplefrom a deprivedbackground.
- Aschildren, mysisterand I didn't have a TV athome, but I didn'tfeelparticularlydeprived.
Lacking things
- bankrupt
- bankruptcy
- be hard up (forsomething)idiom
- bereft
- catch
- cry out forsomething
- demand
- hole
- lacking
- minus
- need
- needsomethinglike you need a hole in the headidiom
- needful
- needy
- shy
- taken
- unaccompanied
- unappeased
- unassuaged
- unmet