nail salon
USuk/ˈneɪl ˌsæl.ɒn/us/ˈneɪl ˌsə.lɑːn/(UKnail bar)ashoporpartof ashopwherepeoplego for amanicure(= ahandtreatmentinvolvingcutting,smoothing, andpaintingthenails)or to haveartificialnailsput ontheirfingers:
美甲店She was having amanicurein herlocalnailsalon.她当时正在当地的美甲店做美甲。
Of the more than 7,000nailsalonsin California, about 80% areownedandoperatedby Vietnameseimmigrants.在加利福尼亚州7000多家美甲店中,大约80% 是由越南移民拥有和经营的。

jakubzak/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Now there arenailsalonson everycorner.
- I can'tresistthenailsalonfor a goodbasicFrenchmanicure.
- Theconceptof thenailsaloncaughton in the '80s in California andspreadat the end of thatdecadeto Florida, Texas and Georgia.
Shops & auctions
- army disposals store
- army surplus store
- army-navy store
- art gallery
- auction
- craft fair
- craft shop
- creamery
- deli
- delicatessen
- liquor store
- mall
- mart
- meat market
- medical hall
- strip mall
- super-sale
- supermarket
- superstore
- swap meet