toowillingtobelievethat someone istellingthetruth, that people'sintentionsingeneralare good, or thatlifeissimpleandfair. People are often naive because they areyoungand/or have not had muchexperienceoflife:
轻信的;天真的;幼稚的She was very naive tobelievethat he'dstaywith her.她居然天真地相信他会和她在一起。
They make the naiveassumptionthat because it'spopularit must be good.他们幼稚地认为流行的就一定是好的。
Itwas a little naiveofyoutothinkthat they wouldlistentoyoursuggestions.以为他们会听从你的建议,你真有点儿天真。
Naive & trusting
- an easy touchidiom
- be easy game/meatidiom
- be easy preyidiom
- be wet behind the earsidiom
- butter
- butter wouldn't melt insomeone'smouthidiom
- gull
- idealistic
- impressionable
- ingenuous
- naivety
- prey
- pushover
- see things in black and whiteidiom
- simple
- sucker
- unsophisticated
- unsuspecting
- wet
- wide-eyed