nancy story
Caribbean Englishuk/ˈnæ ˌstɔː.ri/us/ˈnæ ˌstɔːr.i/(alsonancy tale,uk/ˈnæ ˌteɪl/us/ˈnæ ˌteɪl/)astoryabout Anancy, acharacterintraditionalstoriesfrom theCaribbean
阿奈斯的故事(阿奈斯也译作阿南西、安纳西,加勒比海地区神话故事中的一个男性人物,常以蜘蛛的形象出现。)Accounts and stories
- anecdote
- another
- anti-narrative
- be another storyidiom
- bodice-ripper
- brushstroke
- cautionary tale
- commentary
- legendary
- lore
- misdescription
- multi-stranded
- myth
- running commentaryphrase
- scenario
- shaggy-dog story
- short story
- sob story
- strand
- writesomethingup
astorythat is nottrueand that isintendedtodeceivepeople:
奇谈;谎言That can't betrue- itlookslike anancystoryto me.那不可能是真的——要我看就是个谎言。
Accounts and stories
- anecdote
- another
- anti-narrative
- be another storyidiom
- bodice-ripper
- brushstroke
- cautionary tale
- commentary
- legendary
- lore
- misdescription
- multi-stranded
- myth
- running commentaryphrase
- scenario
- shaggy-dog story
- short story
- sob story
- strand
- writesomethingup