tochangefoodinyourstomachintosubstancesthatyourbodycan use:
(使)消化Ifindthat I don't digestmeateasily.我发现自己不容易消化肉食。
Sit still andallowyourmealto digest.静静地坐着,让胃里的食物消化消化。
- Theadultowlsfeedtheiryoungwithfoodwhich they've alreadypartlydigested.
- Don'trushoff - let's justsithere a while and digestourfood.
- How can youexpectto digestyourfoodproperlywhen youeatyourmealssofast?
- Thesnakelayabsolutelymotionlessforhoursas it digesteditsmeal.
- Meat-eaters mustproduceextensivebileacidsintheirintestinestoproperlydigest themeatthat theyeat.
- al desko
- binge
- binge eating
- bite
- break breadidiom
- cram
- feast
- feast onsomething
- feeder
- feeding
- finish
- mainline
- pick
- pick atsomething
- picnic
- pig
- pig out
- shovel
- trough
- tuck
toreadorhearnewinformationand take thenecessarytimetounderstandit:
理解,吸收(信息)Thischapteris sodifficultto digest, I'll have toreadit againlater.这一章不容易理解消化,稍后我还得再看一遍。
to understand something
- understandI understand why he did that.
- comprehendHe doesn't seem to comprehend the scale of the problem.
- get the pictureOK. Don't say any more. I get the picture.
- followIt was so complicated I couldn't follow what he was saying.
- graspI think I grasped the main points of the lecture.
- digestThis chapter is so difficult to digest. I'll have to read it again later.
Understanding and comprehending
- apprehend
- apprehensible
- apprehension
- astutely
- atyourfingertipsidiom
- connection
- figure
- hold
- keepsomeoneup
- know a hawk from a handsawidiom
- know the scoreidiom
- know/see wheresomeoneis coming fromidiom
- latch
- scale
- uncomprehendingly
- understand
- voice recognition
- wake up tosomething
- wisdom
- wise
uk/ˈdaɪ.dʒest/us/ˈdaɪ.dʒest/ashortwrittenreportprovidingthe mostimportantpartsof alargerpieceof writing, or onecontainingrecentnews:
文摘,摘要;文汇,简报A digestoftheresearchfindingsis nowavailable.研究成果的简报已经出来了。
Thecompanypublishesamonthlydigest ofitsactivities.该公司每月出一份活动简报。
Books: kinds of books
- abridgment
- annual
- anthology
- audiobook
- autobiography
- backlist
- crammer
- e-reader
- exercise book
- fiction
- flipback
- folio
- novella
- page-turner
- paperback
- photo album
- photo book
- speller
- travelogue
- young adult