digital native
uk/ˌdɪdʒ.ɪ.təl ˈneɪ.tɪv/us/ˌdɪdʒ.ɪ.təl ˈneɪ.t̬ɪv/apersonwho is veryfamiliarwithdigitaltechnology,computers, etc. because they havegrownup with them:
数字土著,数字原住民(因与数码技术、电脑等一起成长而对此非常熟悉的人)Awaveofdigitalnatives— those who havespenttheirentirelivessurroundedbydigitaltechnologies— is about tohitorganizationsworldwide.数字原住民,即那些自出生就被数字技术所包围的人,即将掀起浪潮,冲击全球各种组织。
digital immigrant
Operating computers
- admin
- aliasing
- always-on
- backsomeoneup
- black hat
- computerate
- computerize
- drill down
- enter
- escape
- interface
- keyboarder
- miswrite
- mouse oversomething
- munging
- navigational
- networking
- scroll
- ticket
- uninstall
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Skilled, talented and able