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armnoun(BODY PART)A1[C]either of the twolongpartsof theupperbodythat areattachedto theshouldersand have thehandsat the end: 臂,手臂;上肢 hold sb in your armsHeheldher in his arms(=heldherclosely). throw your arms aroundShethrewher arms around me and gave me ahug. My armsachefromcarryingthisbag.提这个包累得我胳膊疼。  mheim3011/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages C2[C]The arm of apieceofclothingorfurnitureis apartof it that you putyourarm in or on: (衣服)袖子;(椅子等家具的)扶手,靠手 the arm of ajacket夹克袖子 the arm of achair椅子扶手 arm in arm C2When twopeopleare arm in arm, they both have one armbentat theelbowandpassingaround andsupporting, or beingsupportedby, the arm of the otherperson: 臂挽着臂 Wewalkedarm in arm along theriverbank.我们臂挽着臂顺着河岸漫步。 See moreon your arm with someone'shandrestingonyourarm: Billarrivedat thepartywith his newgirlfriendon his arm . - Her arm wasbandagedfrom theelbowto thefingers.
- Without saying a word, she tookholdof my arm andmarchedme off to the headmaster'soffice.
- He put his arm around hershoulderprotectively.
- Heranup to her, his armsoutstretched.
- Shesatback in herchairandwrappedher arms around herknees.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesThe arm - acromial
- acromioclavicular
- acromion
- alar
- anconeus
- appendage
- cubital
- forearm
- glenohumeral
- glenoid
- infraglenoid
- infraspinatous
- supraclavicular
- supraglenoid
- suprascapular
- supraspinatous
- supraspinatus
- triceps
- ulna
- underarm
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Parts of clothes Chairs & seats armnoun(WEAPONS)arms[plural] weaponsandequipmentused tokillandinjurepeople: 武器;军火;军备They have beenchargedwithsupplyingarms to theguerrillas.他们被指控向游击队提供军火。 See morelay down arms Theministerhas called on theterroriststolaydowntheirarms. take up arms topreparetofightor tostartfighting: They arewillingto take up arms if they have to. armnoun(MACHINE PART)[C]along,movingpartof amachineorpieceofequipment: In both videodiscplayersandrecordplayersan armmovesback andforthacrossthedisc. arobotic/robotarm - They uselargeX-raymachinesonradialarms that can bepositionedeasilyover the animal'sbody.
- When acompulsivegamblerpullstheslotmachinearm, he or sheexperiencesarushofendorphinsthat give afeelingofpleasure.
- Thefuelfillerdoorisopenedby aroboticarm.
- Theybuilttherobotarms for thespaceshuttle.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMachines - parts - air compressor
- air filter
- axle
- cogwheel
- compressor
- console
- control panel
- controller
- cowl
- differential gear
- guard
- instrumentation
- jet
- mechanism
- plunger
- regulator
- slide
- split pin
- universal joint
- vee belt
See more results » armnoun(OF LAND/WATER)[C]An arm oflandorwateris along,thinpartof it that isjoinedto alargerarea. 狭长地带;狭长港湾 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBays & gulfs - basin
- bay
- channel
- cove
- gulf
- Hudson Bay
- inlet
- lagoon
- narrows
- sea coast
- sound
- strait
- the Bay of Bengal
- the Bay of Fundy
- the Gulf of Mexico
- the Persian Gulf
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Geography: promontories & peninsulas armnoun(OF ORGANIZATION)[C]An arm of anorganizationis apartof it that isresponsiblefor aparticularactivityorplace: 职能部门;分支机构,分部 The Britishcompanyis one arm of alargemultinational.这家英国公司是一个庞大的跨国公司的分部。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesOrganizations, Societies & clubs - Assn
- Assoc.
- association
- cellular
- co-op
- collective
- collegium
- confederacy
- confederation
- consortium
- cooperative
- foundation
- guild
- institute
- mission
- outfit
- rump
- substation
- syndicate
- youth club
See more results » armnoun(THROWING ABILITY)If you say that asportsplayerhas a good arm, youmeanthat they canthrowtheballvery hard orthrowit a verylongway: A lot ofourfieldershavegreatarms. Thisguyhas one of thebestarms inbaseball. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCricket - 12th man
- ash
- bailsphrase
- ball-tampering
- batting average
- bowlsomeoneout
- bowling
- cricketing
- cut
- declaration
- declare
- delivery
- fall
- glance
- leg before wicketidiom
- pace bowler
- six
- snick
- spin bowlerphrase
- test match
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Baseball & rounders Throwing Idiomsan arm and a leg keepsomeoneat arm's length under arms be up in arms [IorT]toprovideyourself orotherswith aweaponorweapons: 为…提供武器装备;武装 Nobodyknowswho is arming theterrorists.没有人知道谁在给这些恐怖分子提供武器装备。 arm sb with sthI armed myself with abaseballbatand went toinvestigatethenoise.我抄起了一根棒球棒,走过去看看是什么发出的响动。 They arecurrentlyarming forwar.他们正在武装起来,为战争做准备。 C2[T]toprovideyourself orotherswithequipmentorknowledgeinordertocompleteaparticulartask: 提供;配备;装备 arm sb with sthI went to themeetingarmed with therelevantfactsandfigures.去开会时,我准备好了有关的资料数据。 She armed herself for theinterviewbyfindingout all she could about thecompanyinadvance.为准备面试,她事先尽其所能地了解那个公司的情况。 - Thepolicehave to arm themselves againstattack.
- In arming thedictator, the US wascreatingaFrankensteinwho wouldthreatentheirinfluencein theregion.
- Rioters armed withfirebombssetlighttopolicebarricades.
- If he's not armed, don'tshoot.
- Warseemedinevitableand bothsideswere arming inpreparation.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesProviding weapons or taking weapons away - air bridge
- air corridor
- armament
- armed
- arms control
- denuclearization
- denuclearize
- disarm
- disarmament
- gun control
- nuclear-free
- peace dividend
- rearm
- rearmament
- recommission
- reinforce
- reinforced
- unarmed
- under armsidiom
- withyourbare handsidiom
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Giving, providing and supplying (Definition ofarmfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)armnoun(BODY PART)A1[C]either of the twolongpartsof theupperbodythat areattachedto theshouldersand have thehandsat the end 臂,手臂;上肢My armsachefromcarryingthisbag.提这个包累得我胳膊疼。 Sheput/threwher armsroundme and gave me ahug.她伸出双臂拥抱我。 Hetook/heldherinhis arms(=heldherclosely).他把她搂到怀中。 Billarrivedat thepartywith his newgirlfriendonhis arm(= herhandrestingon his arm).比尔挽着新女友一起来到聚会上。 C2[C]The arm of apieceofclothingorfurnitureis apartof it that you putyourarm in or on. (衣服)袖子;(椅子等家具的)扶手,靠手the arm of ajacket夹克袖子 the arm of achair椅子扶手 arm in arm C2When twopeopleare arm in arm, they both have one armbentat theelbowandpassingaround andsupporting, or beingsupportedby, the arm of the otherperson. 臂挽着臂Wewalkedarm in arm along theriverbank.我们臂挽着臂顺着河岸漫步。 - Her arm wasbandagedfrom theelbowto thefingers.
- Without saying a word, she tookholdof my arm andmarchedme off to the headmaster'soffice.
- He put his arm around hershoulderprotectively.
- Heranup to her, his armsoutstretched.
- Shesatback in herchairandwrappedher arms around herknees.
armnoun(WEAPONS)arms[plural] weaponsandequipmentused tokillandinjurepeople 武器;军火;军备They have beenchargedwithsupplyingarms to theguerrillas.他们被指控向游击队提供军火。 An armscachewasdiscoveredinSouthWales.在南威尔士发现了一个秘密军火库。 Theministerhas called on theterroriststolaydowntheirarms(=stopfighting).部长要求恐怖分子放下武器。 They arewillingtotake uparms(=preparetofight)(againstthegovernment) if they have to.在必要时,他们会随时拿起武器(对抗政府)。 armnoun(OF LAND/WATER)[C]An arm oflandorwateris along,thinpartof it that isjoinedto alargerarea. 狭长地带;狭长港湾 armnoun(OF ORGANIZATION)[C]An arm of anorganizationis apartof it that isresponsiblefor aparticularactivityorplace. 职能部门;分支机构,分部The Britishcompanyis one arm of alargemultinational.这家英国公司是一个庞大的跨国公司的分部。 Idiomsan arm and a leg keepsbat arm's length under arms be up in arms [IorT]toprovideyourself orotherswith aweaponorweapons 为…提供武器装备;武装Nobodyknowswho is arming theterrorists.没有人知道谁在给这些恐怖分子提供武器装备。 I armed myselfwithabaseballbatand went toinvestigatethenoise.我抄起了一根棒球棒,走过去看看是什么发出的响动。 They arecurrentlyarming forwar.他们正在武装起来,为战争做准备。 C2[T]toprovideyourself orotherswithequipmentorknowledgeinordertocompleteaparticulartask 提供;配备;装备She armed herselffortheinterviewbyfindingout all she could about thecompanyinadvance.为准备面试,她事先尽其所能地了解那个公司的情况。 I went to themeetingarmedwiththerelevantfactsandfigures.去开会时,我准备好了有关的资料数据。 - Thepolicehave to arm themselves againstattack.
- In arming thedictator, the US wascreatingaFrankensteinwho wouldthreatentheirinfluencein theregion.
- Rioters armed withfirebombssetlighttopolicebarricades.
- If he's not armed, don'tshoot.
- Warseemedinevitableand bothsideswere arming inpreparation.
armnoun[C](BODY PART)either of the twolongpartsof theupperbodythat arejoinedto theshouldersand havehandsat the end: Her arm wasbandagedfromelbowtowrist. Heheldhisyoungsonin his arms(=closely). The arm of apieceofclothingorfurnitureis apartof it that you putyourarm in or on: An arm of anorganizationis apartof it withparticularresponsibilities: the company'sinvestmentbankingarm Idiomsarm in arm at arm’s length armverb[T](PROVIDE WEAPONS)toprovideyourself orotherswith aweaponorweapons: He armed himself with abaseballbatbefore goingoutside. (Definition ofarmfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)adjustableratemortgage: aloanforbuyingahousein which theinterestratecanchange: apartof alargecompanyororganizationthat isresponsiblefor aparticularactivityorplace: Alosson thesaleofitsoutdooradvertisingarm pre-taxprofits. TheGermanarmaccountedfor about 40% ofmaterialshandling. The newconstitutionhasstrengthenedthelegislativearm ofgovernment. (Definition ofARMfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofarmarm So he returned them their arms and entered the palace with the earl.From theCambridge English Corpus It then takes the realarmand camera off-line, and manipulates the visual grid with efference copies.From theCambridge English Corpus According to the peace accord, militia members should be able to keep the rank they received within their respective armed group within the integrated forces.From theCambridge English Corpus The finger symbols remained visible in the workspace while subjects lifted the coin and disappeared after the coin was replaced on the robotarm.From theCambridge English Corpus Among the participants, agreement could be reached on some regional issues, in particular the presence of arms and the need for demobilisation throughout the region.From theCambridge English Corpus Departments would on longer be responsible for delivering those services identified as suitable for delivery at arm's length.From theCambridge English Corpus To compare survival, safety, dose-intensity and total dose between the two treatment arms.From theCambridge English Corpus This is far from ideal since most patients have to be scanned in the supine position with their arms up.From theCambridge English Corpus Many centres immobilise their patients on a standard breast board, where both arms are elevated above the head.From theCambridge English Corpus Four of five children had elevatedarmblood pressures, but none was currently on medication.From theCambridge English Corpus Both sisters have similar skeletal features, including mild shortening of the arms, double joints of elbows, with an extra flexion crease and small hands.From theCambridge English Corpus Two assumed modes are used to model the planar elbowarm.From theCambridge English Corpus In fact, a human-like motion requires that rightarmmoves forward while right leg moves backward and similarly for the other leg andarm.From theCambridge English Corpus In step (1), the robotarmand the object are located in a random position which belongs to the workspace of the vision system.From theCambridge English Corpus She exhibited a striking deficit in "motor control," in that she was unable to reach to a target after passive movement of herarm.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. CollocationswitharmarmThese are words often used in combination witharm. Click on a collocation to see more examples of it. broken arm Of course, adherents of this view do not deny that thebrokenarmshould be set. From theCambridge English Corpus left arm A part of yourleftarmis on the table. From theCambridge English Corpus mechanical arm The controlled real-world system was amechanicalarmformed by two joints. From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/arm## |