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单词 sense


anabilitytounderstand,recognize,value, orreactto something,especiallyany of the fivephysicalabilitiestosee,hear,smell,taste, andfeel
With herexcellentsenseofsmell, she couldtellif you were asmokerfrom the othersideof theroom.她嗅觉灵敏,在房间的另一端就能知道你是否抽烟。
Mycoldis sobadI'velostmy senseofsmell/taste(= I can'tsmell/tasteanything).我感冒很严重,闻不到任何气味了/尝不出任何味道了。
Did you get any sense of how they mightreact?你预感他们会作何反应?
Thehelicoptershoveringoverheadaddedto the senseofurgency.在头顶盘旋的直升机加重了紧迫感。
sense of fun
theabilitytoenjoylifeand not be tooserious
Don't beangry- it was just ajoke- where'syoursense offun?别生气——只是个笑话——你乐观的天性哪里去了?
sense of humour
Shehasa really good sense ofhumour.她真的很有幽默感。
Wehavethe same sense ofhumour.我们有同样的幽默感。
Come on,lightenup! Where'syoursense ofhumour?好了,放轻松点!你的幽默感哪里去了?
sense of occasionUK
thefeelingpeoplehave when there is a veryimportanteventorcelebration
Thedecorations,flowers, andcrowdsgave thetownarealsense ofoccasion.灯彩、鲜花和人群给小镇带来了一种十足的节庆氛围。
More examples
  • He has no sense ofrightandwrong.
  • War had given to thecommunityagreatersense oftogetherness.
  • Ifelta sense ofbetrayalwhen myfriendsrefusedtosupportme.
  • He has no sense ofresponsibility.
  • Theyfeltadeepeningsense ofdespair.

sensenoun(GOOD JUDGMENT)

thecharacteristicof having goodjudgment,especiallywhen it isbasedonpracticalideasorunderstanding
[+ to infinitive]Ihopethey'llhave the (good)sense/have enoughsensetoshutthewindowsbefore theyleave.我希望他们走的时候会想到要关窗户。
It makes (good)sensetobuyabigpackbecause itworksoutcheaperin the end.买大包的更划算,因为最终算下来更便宜。
[+ -ing verb]There's nosenseinwaiting(= it is notpracticaltowait)- the nexttrainisn't for twohours.继续等下去是不明智的——下一趟火车要过两个小时才会来。
Where's/What's thesense(= what is theadvantage)inpayingsomeone when you could get avolunteer?既然你可以找一个志愿者,何必花钱雇人呢?
Planning sofaraheadmakes nosense - so many things will havechangedby nextyear.提前这么久作计划并不明智——到明年,许多事情都会发生变化。
theabilityto use goodjudgment
Have youtakenleaveof/lostyoursenses?(= Have youlostyourabilityto make a goodjudgment?)你疯了吧?
It'stimeyoucame toyoursenses(=startedto useyourgoodjudgment)andrealizedthat they are not going tohelpyou.你该醒醒了,你该明白他们是不会帮你的。
Theaccidentbroughthimtohis senses(=causedhim to use his goodjudgmentagain)and made himstopdrinking.这一事故使他醒悟过来,不再喝酒了。
More examples
  • It would make sense to golaterin theyearwhen it'swarmer.
  • At least they had the sense to take somewarmclothing.
  • There's no sense inbuyingsomething we have already.
  • Itrytoinstila little sense into thechild.
  • Why is Jack making thearrangementswhen he's notevencoming? Where's the sense in that?


one of thepossiblemeaningsof a word or phrase
They are notimmigrants, at least notinany sense that Iunderstand.至少就我所理解的意义上来说,他们不是移民。
Thepackagingisgreen- in both senses of the word(= it isgreenincolourand it is good for theenvironment).包装是绿色的——这个“绿色”有两层含义。
Securitydefinedin thebroad/broadestsenseofthetermmeansgetting at therootcausesoftroubleandhelpingtoreduceregionalconflicts.广义上说,安全工作是指找出骚乱的根本原因并帮助减少地区冲突。
Thispassagedoesn'tmake (any)sense(= themeaningis notclear).这篇文章意思不清楚。
I'vereadthelettertwice, but I can'tmake (any)senseofit(= I can'tunderstandit).我把信读了两遍,但还是不解其意。
in every sense
in every way orfeature
It's abookwhich is, in every sense, about differentwaysofseeingtheworld.从任何意义上说,这都是一本以不同角度看世界的书。
in a senseC1(alsoin one sense)
thinkingabout something in one way, but not in every way
Sheclaimsthat thesystemis atfaultand she'sright, in a sense(= she ispartlyright).她声称现行制度有问题,从某种意义上说,她是对的。
in no sense
not at all
We are in no senseobligedtoagreeto this.我们绝不是非得同意这件事。
More examples
  • So many words inEnglishhave several senses.
  • Which sense of the word 'nice' do youmean?
  • She's a verygenerouswoman in thefullestsense of the word.
  • He's not asophisticatedman - not in any sense of the word that I'mawareof.
  • Ofcourse, she was using theterm'massacre' in thefigurativesense.
tofeelorexperiencesomething without beingabletoexplainexactlyhow
Although she said nothing, I could sense heranger.尽管她什么都没说,但我能感觉到她的愤怒。
He sensed something was about tohappen.他感觉到有事情要发生。
[+ (that)]He sensed(that)hisguestswerebored,althoughthey werelisteningpolitely.尽管客人们在礼貌地听着,但他意识到他们有些厌烦。
[+ question word]Could you sensewhat waslikelytohappen?你能感觉到可能会发生什么事情吗?
More examples
  • Although they said nothing, she could sensetheirdisapprovalof hersuggestion.
  • I sensed that she wasn'thappythere.
  • She said nothing but I could sense her resentment.
  • I could just sense that something waswrong.
  • I sensed that he had something totellme.


Adjustments were made via a multibutton game pad sensed by the computer.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The system combines real-time vision sensing with an embedded controller, again implemented using standard hardware.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Thus, efficient sensing ability and communications with its host computer are critical for its real-time control.
From theCambridge English Corpus
In such cases, the rigidity of the tube will cause large disturbances to the flexible elements for sensing.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The use of novel sensing technologies such as ground penetrating radar and inertial sensors to guide underground coal mining machines is described in detail.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The criteria for the distinction into five degrees of being originate in the philosophical theory of the inner senses - the hawass ba*ina.
From theCambridge English Corpus
In this paper, we present and evaluate a method for the automatic adjudication of disagreed word senses.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Through indirect focus and attentiveness to the breath, the actor senses their mouth-less-ness - a darkness reaching down through the entire body.
From theCambridge English Corpus
We focused on remote sensing instrumentation for reasons that will become apparent.
From theCambridge English Corpus
On the contrary, if the same amount of information is extracted with fewer measurements, the overall sensing speed can be increased.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The micro-rover provides the mounting platform for the scientific instrument package (remote sensing instruments) while each mole carries a sensor head to the laser-based instruments.
From theCambridge English Corpus
I sensed at various points in the conference that actually we were happier at the margins.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Relationships between remotely sensed reflectance data and cotton growth and yield.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Estimation of tropical forest extent and regeneration stage using remotely sensed data.
From theCambridge English Corpus
To measure hand motion, a receiver is placed on the back of the user sensing glove.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.



These are words often used in combination withsense.

Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.

acute sense
His anger imparted hisacutesenseof betrayal and the necessity of vindicating his maturity.
From theCambridge English Corpus
aesthetic sense
Theaestheticsensewas not separate but intrinsic to his whole procedure and is visible in the eloquence of what he built.
From theCambridge English Corpus
broad sense
This would be a case of maximizing utility in thebroadsense.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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