toinventaplan,system,object, etc., usually usingyourintelligenceorimagination:
巧妙构思;巧妙设计;发明He's good at devisinglanguagegamesthat you canplaywithstudentsinclass.他善于设计可供师生在课堂上使用的语言游戏。
ThecartooncharactersSnoopy and CharlieBrownwere devised by Charles M. Schultz.卡通人物史努比和查理‧布朗是由查尔斯‧M‧舒尔茨设计的。
- Clinton and ZedilloorderedtheirrespectiveCabinetsto devise acommoncounter-drugstrategy.
- We need to devise somesortofsystemwherebypeoplecanliaisewith each other.
- Theumbrellawasingeniouslydevised tofoldup intoyourpocket.
- Theschemeis devised foryoungpeoplein the 15 - 20ageband.
- Thecompanyhas also devised acomputerprogramthatenablespeopletodesigntheirownhomes.
Inventing, designing and innovation
- absorptive capacity
- architect
- artificer
- bionics
- blueprint
- customized
- design
- designer
- dreamsomethingup
- ergonomic
- modularization
- nanotechnology
- non-imitative
- operational research
- originator
- technology
- themed
- think outside the boxidiom
- thinksomethingup
- trailblaze