uk/ˈdʒuː.læp/us/ˈduː.læp/afoldoflooseskinthathangsunder thethroatof someanimalssuch as somecowsordogs; also used to refer to asimilarfoldofskinon aperson:
The bloodhound'slongdewlap andfloppyearshelptocatchthescentasitsnosepassesover theground.
What isannoyingas you getolderis thatyourmouthturnsdown and you get dewlaps.

nadtytok/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- The lizard'sextendedpinkdewlap islikelyadefensivedisplaybecause of theclosepresenceofpeople.
- Amagnificentredbullwith a dewlapstretchedlike asailunder hisjawliftedhishead.
- Thedogshavefacialwrinklesthatcontinueunder thechinand down thenecktoformaprominentdewlap.
- Their Malaynamesignifies"forestox", and theydifferfrom thesmalleroxenprincipallyby the low-hangingdewlap.
- As youage, to go withyourgreyhairs,paunch, crow's-feet and dewlap you may alsodevelopmigrainesandgumdisease.
The head & neck of non-human animals
- antler
- beak
- cockscomb
- comb
- crested
- crop
- horn
- horned
- jaw
- muzzle
- neck
- nose
- pouch
- proboscis
- scruff
- snout
- sucker
- trunk
- tusk
- wattle