trademarkuk/ˈdeks.ə.drɪn//ˈdeks.ə.driːn/us/ˈdeks.ə.drɪn//ˈdeks.ə.driːn/abrandnamefor adrugused in thetreatmentof someconditionssuch asADHD, that is sometimes takenillegallyforpleasure. It is aformofamphetamine(= adrugthat makes themindorbodymoreactive):
德太德林(又称“迪西卷”,一种用于治疗多动症的药物,被有的人为了获得快感而非法服用,属于类安非他命药品)Treating thedisorderusuallyinvolvesgiving achildmedication, such as thestimulantsDexedrine or Ritalin.治疗这种疾病通常需要给孩子服用药物,如兴奋剂德太德林或利他林。
- Doctors gave himdrugs- Ritalin and Dexedrine - but nothingseemedtochange.
- Badjudgment,amplifiedby Dexedrine andsleepdeprivation,resultedin adisastrousperformance.
- Wanting her toloseweight, hermotherarrangedaprescriptionfor Dexedrine.
- Theystartedplayingsofastthat theysoundedlike they'doverdosedon dexedrine.
Drugs - general words
- abstinence
- abstinence-only
- bindle
- biosimilar
- chase
- drug
- multidrug
- non-intoxicant
- non-intoxicating
- nondrug
- performance-enhancing
- push
- shoot
- snort
- spacey
- spliff
- spliff up
- substance abuse
- whacked
- wiped out
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Specific types of drug