dime novel
USold-fashioneduk/ˈdaɪm ˌnɒv.əl/us/ˈdaɪm ˌnɑː.vəl/acheap,popularnovel,especiallyone thattellsaromanticorexcitingstory:
(主题通常为刺激历险或浪漫爱情的)廉价小说Hewrotedimenovelsinspiredby theexploitsof a real-lifeoutlaw.他写廉价小说的灵感来自于现实生活中一个亡命之徒的故事。
- Hislifewas ascolourfulas anydimenovel.
- In 1907 hestartedwriting the "dimenovels" that would make him one of America'sall-timemostpopularauthors.
- Sheseldomreadanything but adimenovelorpopularmagazine.
- CalamityJanewas the tough-talking, hard-drinking, sharp-shootingheroineof many adimenovel.
Books: kinds of books
- abridgment
- annual
- anthology
- audiobook
- autobiography
- backlist
- crammer
- e-reader
- exercise book
- fiction
- flipback
- folio
- novella
- page-turner
- paperback
- photo album
- photo book
- speller
- travelogue
- young adult