adjective[before noun]
新生的Breast-feeding isextremelybeneficialto thehealthof newbornbabies.母乳喂养对新生儿的健康极有益处。
Newborninfants, who have littleimmunity, areespeciallyvulnerabletowhoopingcough.
a baby
- babyShe is having a baby in the spring.
- newbornNewborn babies are not able to focus their eyes fully for the first few weeks of life.
- new babyBringing home a new baby can be a confusing time for parents.
- bundle of joyCongratulations on bringing home your little bundle of joy!
- neonateThe doctor headed up a study on perception in neonates.
- infantInfants under 2 years of age must travel on an adult's lap.
used to refer to something that hasrecentlybeencreatedorstartedtoexist:
This is not somekindof newbornliberalism.
the newborn democracies of theworld世界上新兴的民主国家
Obstetrics: birth
- antenatally
- Apgar score
- B, b
- birth centre
- birth partner
- birth rate
- bore
- breech
- childbearing
- delivery room
- hypnobirthing
- induce
- labour
- maternity suite
- maternity unit
- matrescence
- midwifery
- preemie
- rooming-in
- stillborn
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
uk/ˈnjuː.bɔːn/us/ˈnuː.bɔːrn/ababythat wasbornrecently:
About 94percentof newborns are givenhearingtests.
A newborn'ssenseoftouchmay be asacuteastheirabilitytotasteandsmell.

Purple Collar Pet Photography/Moment/GettyImages
Children & babies
- ankle-biter
- arrival
- babe
- babe in arms
- baby
- comfort blanket
- crawler
- designer baby
- devil
- diddums
- oops-a-daisy
- pacifier
- papoose
- perisher
- pest
- toddler
- toilet-trained
- tomboy
- tot
- tyke