tooperateaphoneor make aphonecallto someone bychoosingaparticularseriesofnumberson thephone:
拨号,按号码Can I dial thisnumberdirect, or do I have to go through theoperator?我可以直接拨这个号码还是需要通过话务员接转?
Dial 0 for theswitchboard.总机拨0。
- Can I dial thisnumberdirector do I have to go through theswitchboard?
- Shepickedup thereceiverand dialled hisnumber.
- He dialled999andstammeredout hisnameandaddress.
- He dialled hernumber, hisheartthumping.
- There's noresponsewhen I dial thenumber.
Communications - by telephone
- 3G
- 4G
- 5G
- aeroplane mode
- airplane mode
- area code
- autodial
- dialling tone
- Directory Enquiries
- helpline
- phone mast
- pick
- picksomeone/somethingup
- pocket dial
- prank caller
- ring
- roam
- telecoms
- telephone
- transfer
Phrasal verbs
uk/ˈdaɪ.əl/us/ˈdaɪ.əl/dialnoun[C](MEASURING DEVICE)
thepartof amachineordevicethatshowsyou ameasurementof something such asspeedortime:
表盘,仪表盘Can youreadwhat it says on the dial?你能读出仪表盘上的读数吗?
The dialof/onhiswatchhad apictureofMickeyMouseon it.他手表的表盘上有一个米老鼠的图案。

Ian Naylor/Ikon Images/GettyImages
adeviceon aninstrumentthat youmoveinordertocontrolit or makechangesto it:
旋钮,调节器Youturnthis dial tofinda differentradiostation.转动这个旋钮可选择不同的广播电台。

Jeffrey Coolidge/Stone/GettyImages
Measuring, weighing, & counting devices
- -scopic
- detector
- dipstick
- fitness tracker
- gage
- gamma counter
- gamma meter
- gauge
- gradation
- hydrograph
- indicator
- manometer
- micrometer
- probe
- sensor
- smart meter
- straight edge
- tracker
- voltmeter
- weather balloon
thediscwithnumbersonold-fashionedphonesthat youturnwhen you make acall
Géza Bálint Ujvárosi/EyeEm/GettyImages
Communications - by telephone
- 3G
- 4G
- 5G
- aeroplane mode
- airplane mode
- area code
- autodial
- dialling tone
- Directory Enquiries
- helpline
- phone mast
- pick
- picksomeone/somethingup
- pocket dial
- prank caller
- ring
- roam
- telecoms
- telephone
- transfer